Fiscal Year 2010 Heritage Programs Annual Report Data Call; DD: 08/30/2010

IM 2010-140
Instruction Memorandum

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, D.C. 20240http://www.blm.govMay 28, 2010In Reply Refer To:8100 (240) PEMS TRANSMISSION 06/09/2010Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-140Expires:  09/30/2011To:        All State DirectorsFrom:    DirectorSubject:    Fiscal Year 2010 Heritage Programs Annual Report Data Call                                                                                                                     DD:  08/30/2010Program Area:  Heritage Programs and National Landscape Conservation System.Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) requests each state office to complete a Heritage Program Annual Report with assistance from field offices.Policy/Action:  The BLM state offices are requested to complete the following forms, which can be submitted electronically, and a concise narrative of accomplishments.Forms and Questionnaires:  Please complete, update, or revise information in the following forms, as appropriate, reflecting activities in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010.·    Heritage Program Annual Report questionnaire (Attachment 1)·    Base and one-time FY 2009 and FY 2010 Challenge Cost Share (CCS) heritage resource and cooperative projects form (Attachment 2)·    BLM Historic Structures Listing (Attachment 3)·    Listing of Outlaw and Treachery (LOOT) form (Attachment 4)·    Museum Collections forms (Attachments 5)Narrative:  Summarize major FY 2010 accomplishments associated with the management and protection of archaeological, historical, and paleontological resources and museum collections.  For their top four or five accomplishments, the states should provide detailed information in two or three paragraphs accompanied by graphics to illustrate the work completed.  For volunteer contributions, states should report the number of volunteer hours on each project. Please include at least one highlight accomplishment related to archaeological museum collections.  For the other accomplishments, limit information to short bullets organized by the following topical areas:·    National Programmatic Agreement implementation·    Native American coordination and consultation ·    Museum collections management·    Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) compliance·    Resource protection projects activities (including identification, recordation, evaluation, stabilization, rehabilitation, monitoring, and data recovery projects)·    Heritage tourism interpretive developments·    Notable planning accomplishments·    Key Archaeological Resources Protection Act prosecutions (including effective related resource protection projects, methods, or techniques employed)·    Heritage program publications and brochures produced Reporting:  Please ensure internal consistency with data provided in previous fiscal years.  The annual reports should summarize accomplishments achieved in FY 2010 or anticipated by the end of the fiscal year.Timeframe:  To conform to timeframes of the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Interior (DOI), state offices should submit their Heritage Programs annual reports no later than August 30, 2010.Budget Impact:  The budget impact is minimal.Background:  The BLM is required to regularly compile selected information to comply with numerous laws and executive orders including the Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, the Government Performance and Accountability Act, and Executive Order 13327 on Federal Real Property Asset Management.The data is assembled and submitted for various reports, including the National Park Service for the “Secretary of the Interior’s Report to Congress on Federal Archaeological Activities,” Public Land Statistics, the Chief Financial Officers/Stewardship Assets, Public Rewards from Public Lands, DOI’s “Performance and Accountability,” the annual BLM educational report, the Annual Museum Collections Summary Report to the DOI’s Office of Acquisition and Property Management, and the Collectible Heritage Assets portion of the BLM Financial Statement.  This data call also validates senior management Employee Performance Appraisal Plans.Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.Coordination:  The Division of Cultural, Paleontological Resources and Tribal Consultation (WO-240) coordinated with Division of National Landscape Conservation System(WO-171) and Division of Education, Interpretation and Partnerships (WO-172) in preparation of this IM. Contact:  For additional information, please contact Emily Palus, Acting Deputy Division Chief (202-912-7188,, or Richard Hanes, Division Chief(202-912-7240,, Division of Cultural, Paleontological Resources and Tribal Consultation (WO-240). Signed by:                        Authenticated by:Mike Pool                        Robert M. WilliamsActing Director, Operations                Division of IRM Governance,WO-5605 Attachments  1 – Cultural Resource Annual Report Questionnaire (18 pp)  2 – FY 2009 and FY 2010 Funded CCS and Cooperator projects (4 pp)  3 – BLM Historic Structures Listings (6 pp)  4 – Listing of Outlaw Treachery (LOOT) form (2 pp)  5 – BLM Museum Collections forms (37 pp) 


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Fiscal Year