Fiscal Year 2010 Youth Initiative Recruitment Funding Guidance

IM 2010-120
Instruction Memorandum


May 14, 2010

In Reply Refer To:

1400-308 (WO711) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-120

Expires:  9/30/2011


To:                   All Washington Office and Field Office Officials

                        Attn:    All Human Resources Officers

From:               Assistant Director, Human Capital Management

Subject:           Fiscal Year 2010 Youth Initiative Recruitment Funding Guidance


Program Area:  Non-competitive hiring authorities and programs such as: Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP), Student Career Experience Program (SCEP), Federal Career Intern Program (FCIP), and the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF).

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to provide direction regarding the criteria and procedures for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Youth Initiative as it relates to various non-competitive hiring authorities and recruitment efforts.  This guidance will outline the use of Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 state Youth Initiative funding allocations and include specific state and field office guidelines regarding the availability and distribution of this additional youth program funding.  Also, provided is a reporting process for tracking recruitment efforts and other expenditures as they relate to this initiative.

Policy/Action:  Human Resources Officers are asked to:

  1. Identify state Student Educational Employment Program (SEEP) Coordinators in order to provide coordination, collect and report data, and track recruitment efforts and expenditures.  This information will be documented on the attached Youth Initiative Funding Tracking Sheet which will be provided to each state electronically under separate cover.  To assist the Washington Office (WO) with tracking your progress, we are requesting you complete and submit this tracking sheet on a monthly basis; on the last workday of each month, until the end of the fiscal year.  This information should be reported and forwarded to Kellye Drakeford, Program Assistant, Branch of Recruitment and Retention Programs (WO-711), via e-mail at Kellye or fax (202) 418-3013.
  1. Prioritize and disburse Youth Initiative funds within your respective state(s).  The WO funding will cover salary, recruitment expenses, hiring incentives, training and administration.  Each state will receive a one-time allocation of funds in the amounts indicated in the attached Youth Initiative 2010 Funding Guidelines to assist with diversifying the workforce and to help supplement recruitment efforts. 
  1. Assure that funds are utilized to recruit new candidates from diverse backgrounds; ages 16-25 years of age through the use of non-competitive hiring programs. 

Criteria for Hiring

  1. The following resources and recruitment vehicles identified below should be used to recruit new candidates into non-competitive hiring programs such as SCEP, STEP, FCIP and PMF:
  • Targeted Recruitment Events (e.g. LULAC)
  • Minority Serving Institutions Career Fairs
  • Environmental Organizations
  • Minority Student Organizations
  • Community Centers – Boys and Girls Clubs, etc.
  • College Organizations of Students With Disabilities
  • High Schools
  • College Placement Centers
  • Internet Websites
  • Minority Professional Organizations
  • National Conferences (e.g. MANNERS)
  • Veterans Organizations

The BLM’s YI efforts fall into the following three broad categories, with programs in each category to be administered by the Division of Education, Interpretation and Partnerships (WO-172) and the Branch of Recruitment and Retention Programs (WO-711) as indicated below: 

  • Early Childhood through High School-age Programs (WO-172);
  • Project-based Work and Internships Programs  (WO-172); and
  • Recruitment and Retention Programs (WO-711). 

Timeframe:  Effective immediately.  All funds must be expended and/or obligated by the end of this fiscal year, ending September 30, 2010.

Budget Impact:  The FY 2010 Youth Initiative funds will enable the BLM to expand and enhance their youth and student programs.  The BLM has identified $500,000 of new funding for this category of the Youth Initiative and to assist with reaching the Bureau’s goal to increase youth employment by 35 percent over 2009 levels. The funds will be disbursed to each state’s Human Resources Office (HRO) in various amounts.  Specific dollar amounts are a result of a formula developed by the WO Budget Office.  A charge code will be e-mailed to each state’s HRO and SEEP Coordinator in the form of a Youth Initiative funding letter.  This charge code is to be used for the identified amount of funds allocated to your state in the attached Youth Initiative 2010 Funding Guidelines.  These funds are to be used to hire new youth and students, support recruitment events and efforts and hire administrative support to facilitate these recruitment efforts.  The funds being provided to your state are a one-time only allocation for the fiscal year, and must be expended or obligated prior to the end of this fiscal year - September 30, 2010.  

Background:  This program is a priority for both the Secretary of the Interior and the BLM Director.  Their commitment to this Youth Initiative will create the “Next Generation of Conservation Leaders” by engaging, educating, and employing youth from diverse backgrounds in exploring, connecting with, and preserving the shared natural and cultural heritage represented by the lands, waters, and physical assets of the Department of the Interior (DOI).  The DOI has established an Office of Youth in the Great Outdoors and an executive level Youth Coordinating Council.  As part of the BLM’s efforts to integrate youth programs at all levels, individuals identified to coordinate these Youth Initiative efforts in each state will play a critical role with providing oversight and implementation and ensuring close coordination with the WO.  The BLM has long pursued a wide variety of programs for youth, and the Youth Initiative gives new emphasis to these efforts and will provide new tools and resources that will enable the BLM to reach its goals and achieve even greater success. 

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None. 

Coordination:  This memo was coordinated with the Division of Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships (WO-172).

Contact:  If you have questions concerning this IM, please contact Anzanette Randall, Acting, Branch Chief, Branch of Recruitment and Retention Programs, at or (202) 254-3314.



Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Linda Y. Behlin                                              Robert M. Williams

Acting, Assistant Director                              Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Human Capital Management



2 Attachments

      1 – Youth Initiative 2010 Funding Guidelines (7 pp)

      2 – Youth Initiative Funding Tracking Sheet (3 pp)

Fiscal Year