LR 2000 Data Standards for Renewable Energy Cases

IM 2010-077
Instruction Memorandum





March 9, 2010


In Reply Refer To:

2800 (350) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-077

Expires: 09/30/2011


To:                   All Field Officials

From:               Assistant Director, Minerals and Realty Management

Subject:           LR 2000 Data Standards for Renewable Energy Cases   DD: (45 days from issue)

Program Area:  Right-of-Way Management, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, and Electric Transmission Lines.

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides guidance on the use of newly created data elements for solar energy, wind energy, and electric transmission line case records in the Legacy Rehost System 2000 (LR 2000) database, distributes revised data standards for renewable energy right-of-way (ROW) cases, and establishes timeframes and points-of-contact for updating renewable energy ROW case records.

Policy/Action:  The ability to produce reports that present a consistent and current representation of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) total renewable energy-related case load and the BLM’s progress on processing renewable energy applications is more critical than ever.  New data elements have been established in LR 2000 and revised data standards have been prepared to assist the BLM in this effort.  It is essential that case records in LR 2000 be updated to comply with these new data standards and that the case records be properly maintained thereafter in order to enable the production of timely, accurate reports.

The LR 2000 entries required by this IM must be completed within 45 days of issuance of this IM.  Thereafter, the National Renewable Energy Team will run periodic reports to verify that data standards are being followed.  Within 45 days of issuance of this IM, each BLM State Director is asked to identify a state point-of-contact for data entry feedback and issue resolution. 

The new data elements are described briefly below.  Additional information can be found in Attachments 1 and 2.

Four new case types have been established for wind and solar energy applications: 

       283001 - ROW-WIND SITE TEST

       283002 - ROW-WIND PROJ TEST

       283003 - ROW-WIND DEV FAC

       283103 - ROW-SOLAR DEV FAC

All pending, authorized, and closed wind energy cases are to be converted to the appropriate case type.  All pending and closed solar development applications are to be converted to case type 283103.  Case types for solar site testing will remain unchanged. 

Nine new action codes have been established.  The following five action codes and associated action remarks must be entered into the LR 2000 case record for all pending wind, solar, and renewable-energy related electric transmission line applications.  Where they exist, project names should also be entered into authorized wind and solar energy cases and authorized renewable-energy related electric transmission cases. 

        045 - PROJECT NAME


       047 - FORECASTED

       048 - STATE APLN


Action codes 046 and 047 employ new data entry screens.  Instructions on how to use the new screens are available in the LR 2000 Case Recordation Transaction Processing User Guide, pages 50 through 54.  Attachment 1 provides detailed definitions of these new data elements.

The following four new action codes must be entered into the LR 2000 case record for all pending electric transmission rights-of-way cases that facilitate, support, or have capacity to distribute power from renewable energy projects.  Action codes 053, 054, and 055 require associated action remarks.  Because these three codes provide useful information for future analysis, offices are encouraged, but not required, to add them to any authorized electric transmission rights-of-way as well.

         052 - RENEWABLE ENERGY

         053 - PROJECT MILES

         054 - FEDERAL MILES

         055 - CORRIDOR MILES

In addition, the data standards in WO-IM 2009-013, LR 2000 Data Standards for Solar Energy Applications, remain in effect and must be followed.  Field offices must verify that the proper case type and commodity code are being used, along with the other requirements.  Recent analysis shows that less than 20 percent of solar cases are in compliance with these October 2008 standards.  It is critical that the standards be followed to ensure the ability to produce complete, accurate reports.

Attachment 2, Revised Data Standards for Renewable Energy Cases, provides additional information and requirements for new and existing data elements.  These data standards are in addition to the existing data standards for all ROW cases.

Background:  Secretarial Order No. 3285 established the development of renewable energy as a priority for the Department of the Interior (Department) and emphasized the need for tracking BLM progress in identifying and resolving obstacles to renewable energy permitting, siting, development, and production.  It is recognized that some BLM offices with large numbers of renewable energy applications have created their own tracking documents (typically spreadsheets) and use Geographic Information System (GIS) tools to create associated maps that are posted on their external websites.  While this information is helpful, it does not replace the need for proper, timely LR 2000 data entry.  LR 2000 is the BLM’s official tool for internal and external case record information, and proper use allows data to be aggregated in a consistent manner across BLM administrative boundaries.  LR 2000 must contain complete, accurate, up-to-date information for use by the BLM, the Department, and the public. 

Timeframe:  This policy is effective immediately.  Existing case records must be updated within 45 days of the issuance of this IM.  In addition, State Directors must identify a point-of-contact for renewable energy-related data entry issues within 45 days of this IM.  New applications being entered in LR 2000 must conform to this IM and all other existing data standards. 

Budget Impact:  The application of this policy will enhance the BLM’s ability to produce accurate, automated reports related to renewable energy cases.  The minimal cost to create and maintain records in conformance with this IM is expected to eliminate costly and time-consuming data calls to the field. 

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  This IM transmits interim policy that will be incorporated into BLM Manual 2810, Right-of-Way Management, and Handbook H-2801-1 during the next revision.

Coordination:  This IM was prepared with input from BLM Data Administrators, State Office ROW Leads, and the National Operations Center prior to its finalization.

Contact:  If you have any questions concerning the content of this IM, please contact me at

202-208-4201, or your staff may contact Linda Resseguie, National Renewable Energy Team, at 202-912-7337 or


Signed by:                               Authenticated by:

Michael Nedd                         Robert M. Williams

Assistant Director                   Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Minerals and Realty Management


2 Attachments

     1 - New Renewable Energy Data Elements (4 pp)

     2 - Revised Data Standards for Renewable Energy Cases (6 pp)

Fiscal Year