Request for Nominations for the National Landscape Conservation System Management Advisory Team

IM 2010-075
Instruction Memorandum





March 8, 2010

In Reply Refer To:
6100 (1700) P


Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-075
Expires: 09/30/2011



All WO and Field Officials


Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships


Request for Nominations for the National Landscape Conservation System Management Advisory Team                      DD:  4/01/2010


Program Area:  National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS)

Purpose:  To solicit nominations for 10 representatives for the NLCS Management Advisory Team (MAT).

Policy/Action:  Nominations for 10 representatives for the NLCS MAT are requested.  The Team would be comprised of two State Directors, one Assistant State Director, one District Manager, one Field Manager, one Monument Manager and two Assistant Directors.  The Team members would serve for 2 years with the option of a second term.  The Deputy Director of Operations (WO-100) and the Director of the NLCS (WO-170) are permanent members, serving as the Chair and Vice Chair, respectively.  The Team will convene at least two times during the Fiscal Year.

The purpose of the NLCS MAT is to facilitate collaboration and better integrate NLCS policies and management within the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  The NLCS MAT is a subcommittee of the Executive Leadership Team.

Background:  The BLM NLCS is made up of lands that have been designated by Congress or the President for their significant natural and cultural values.  It includes over 850 federally recognized areas and approximately 27 million acres of National Conservation Areas, National Monuments, Wilderness Areas, Wilderness Study Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and National Historic and Scenic Trails.  These lands are managed under a multiple-use framework in accordance with the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, as amended, and provide a unique opportunity to integrate multiple programs focused on conservation, research and low-impact multiple-uses.

Individual management of these areas takes place at the local level and is under the jurisdiction of the individual State Directors.  The NLCS was established in Washington D.C. in July of 2000  to provide overall coordination and to develop policy and guidance for the field.

From May-June, 2008, the BLM conducted a General Management Evaluation (GME) of the NLCS (WO-170).  The purpose of the GME was to provide the Director and the WO-170 managers an assessment of how effectively WO-170 is performing.  The GME team prepared a report (June 2008) which outlines a series of recommendations to enhance performance.  One of the GME recommendations included formation of the MAT.

Timeframe:  The BLM State Offices are requested to submit a list of nominations for the MAT positions by April 1, 2010.  Please submit your nominations to Elena Fink, Resource Advisor, via e-mail at  The list of selected participants will be announced in April 2010.  We would like to schedule the first meeting in April 2010.

Budget Impact: Salaries and travel costs will be borne by the home offices of the participating members.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) was developed in coordination with the BLM’s Executive Leadership Team.

Contacts:  Any questions regarding this IM may be directed to Elena Fink, Resource Advisor, NLCS, WO-170, at 202-912-7325; or Doug Herrema, Acting Resource Advisor, WO-170, at 202-912-7172.


Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Carl Rountree                                                              Robert M. Williams

Director, National Landscape Conservation               Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

    System and Community Partnerships



Fiscal Year