Fiscal Year 2010 Fire Program Analysis (FPA) Implementation

IM 2010-059
Instruction Memorandum



January 22, 2010


In Reply Refer To:

9210 (400/FA-120) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010–059

Expires: 09/30/2011


To:                   State Directors and Center Directors

From:               Director

Subject:           Fiscal Year 2010 Fire Program Analysis (FPA) Implementation                                                         DD: 04/15/2010

Program Area:  Fire Management

Purpose:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides guidance for completing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Fire Program Analysis (FPA). 

Policy/Action:  The FY 2010 FPA Interagency guidance has recently been finalized and offices are directed to complete this year’s analysis using its provisions.  The guidance is available on FPA web site at  Fire Planning Units (FPUs) are required to submit their completed analysis for inclusion in the national goal programming analysis by April 15, 2010.  The extended due date is to allow units adequate time to respond to adjustments noted in the guidance that are intended to increase consistency, quality, and confidence in the analysis process.  The FPU and Geographic Area reviews should be completed prior to submission. 

To help facilitate consistent implementation of the Interagency Guidance, we have provided an explanation of several components and terminology from the guidance (see Attachment).

Timeframe:  This IM is effective upon issuance.  The due date for the FY 2010 analysis is April 15, 2010.

Budget Impact:  Field units will incur short-term personnel costs to complete the FY 2010 analysis.  One of the long-term goals of the FPA system is to reduce fire suppression costs. 

Background:  In FY 2009, with your support, FPA was implemented as a learning year.  That effort identified system adjustments and data improvements that were needed prior to the FY 2010 analysis.  Those adjustments can be on the FPA web site at:

The FPA Interagency Executive Oversight Group (EOG) reviewed the FY 2009 analysis’ process and system outputs from the 139 Fire Planning Units.  Their conclusions are summarized in seven key findings:

  • Fundamentals are sound, while recognizing some data and model issues need to be corrected or improved, but the system and underlying science shows promise.
  • We remain committed to utilizing and improving the system which provides a common interagency process for analyzing programs and budgets.
  • There is a commitment to improve, including: enhanced reports, data quality and consistency, and model performance via science reviews and field interaction.
  • FPA is the foundation for a stronger interagency science-based program for national-scale strategic analysis with linkages to other planning processes and data.
  • The FY 2009 analysis will be used to develop a strategic working model of an interagency budget process at the national level, but it will not be used to allocate programs or funds.
  • The FY 2010 analysis will be used to support the FY 2012 budget process based on improved model performance and data and a broader understanding of the system.
  • We will develop, and communicate, a clear path forward that emphasizes learning, incorporates key lessons learned, considers field workload, and provides timely and effective feedback from the field units to both the EOG and FPA staff.

Use of the FPA system to support the development of the FY 2012 wildland fire management program, and its associated budget, is a priority for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the other Department of the Interior fire program agencies, and the Forest Service.  To ensure our success, it is crucial that line officers continue to be engaged, providing leadership and support to ensure quality interagency Fire Planning Unit analyses as outlined in FPA guidance.  One of the strengths of the FPA system is the interagency planning and analysis at the field-unit level.  This is also one of the challenges, as collaboration takes commitment and time.  Line officers are encouraged to continue interagency collaboration at the field-unit level with other Interior agencies and the Forest Service.  While we anticipate some challenges each year, we hope for increasingly more reliable information from the analysis and its potential use in our decision processes.  Your continued feedback will be important to help us improve the system and its future application.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated within the BLM Fire and Aviation Directorate and with the FPA project staff.

Contact:  If you have any questions concerning the IM, please contact Howard Hedrick, Fire Planning and Fuels Management Division Chief, 202-387-5153.


Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Mike Pool                                                                    Bridget D. Williams

Acting, Director                                                          Division of IRM Governance,WO-560



1 Attachment

     1 - BLM Explanation of the FY 2010 FPA Interagency Guidance (1p)

Fiscal Year