Review of Draft Bureau of Land Management Travel and Transportation Manual

IM 2010-056
Instruction Memorandum



February 1, 2010


In Reply Refer To:

1601/8340 (250) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-056

Expires: 09/30/2011


To:                   All Washington Office Directorates and State Directors

From:               Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject:           Review of Draft Bureau of Land Management Travel and Transportation Manual

                                                                                                                                DD:  03/22/2010                                                                               

Program Area:  Recreation and Visitor Services; Decision Support, Planning and NEPA.

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to establish a 30 day review period and request formal comments on the draft Travel and Transportation Manual.

Policy/Action:  The new Travel and Transportation Manual provides updated guidance to establish a comprehensive program for travel and transportation planning within the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) land use planning (LUP) process.  Though the majority of the guidance in this manual section has previously been issued through temporary guidance, some subsections represent new guidance.  When reviewing this draft manual section please pay particular close attention to the following section:

.06.B.Travel and Transportation Management Plan Implementation Decisions, Route Designation Limitations Relating to Wilderness Study Areas and Areas with Wilderness Characteristics

An earlier draft included special cultural resources language that has been removed from the latest draft. In doing so, please note the emphasis is now on an interdisciplinary approach during the land use planning and implementation process.Thus cultural resources are still included among the many resources to be considered in planning for travel and transportation.

Timeframe:  Consolidated Directorate and State Office comments, requested by the date specified above, are to be sent to Rob Perrin at the following e-mail address:

Budget Impact:  Minimal.

Background:  Dating back to Executive Orders issued by Presidents Nixon and Carter, the BLM has primarily used a piecemeal approach to travel and transportation planning and management.  Specifically, the BLM has established Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) area designations in land use plans, including Resource Management Plans yet separately managed its transportation infrastructure under the engineering program and permitted motorized uses or access under various other programs.  Many aspects of travel and transportation have often been inadequately dealt with in the planning process and it has been inconsistently addressed between states and field offices.

The BLM is striving to establish a more orderly and comprehensive process to address travel and transportation planning and management, one that recognizes all access needs rather than just recreational uses.  Travel and transportation planning must evaluate, consider, and balance all public permitted and administrative access needs with resource effect, function and condition. Thus the new manual establishes travel and transportation planning as part of the LUP process.  Subsequent to the development or revision of a land use plan (e.g. RMP) each affected program will be required to develop implementation actions delineating and evaluating program specific travel and transportation needs.  Recreation and Visitor Services will specifically address recreational access and OHV management using the guidance provided in a new 8342 Handbook.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  The new Manual affects guidance contained in BLM Manuals 1601, 8340 and BLM Handbook H-1601-1 – Land Use Planning Handbook Appendix C Guidance for Comprehensive Trails and Travel Management.

Coordination:  The development of this guidance was coordinated among the Recreation and Visitor Services Division; the Division of Decision Support, Planning and NEPA; and the BLM State Office Recreation and Travel Management Leaders.

Contact:  If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact Andy Tenney, Chief, Planning and Resources Branch, Recreation and Visitor Services Division, (WO-251) or Sandra Meyers, Planning & NEPA Branch Chief, Division of Decision Support, Planning and NEPA (WO-210).


Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Edwin L. Roberson                                         Robert M. Williams

Assistant Director                                           Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Renewable Resources and Planning


1 Attachment

     1 –Draft Travel and Transportation Manual (30 pp)



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