Rangeland Stewardship Award

IM 2010-031
Instruction Memorandum


December 22, 2009

In Reply Refer To:

4100 (220) P


Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-031

Expires: 09/30/2010

To:          All Field Office Officials

From:      Director

Subject: Rangeland Stewardship Award                                           DD: 2/10/2010


Program Area: Rangeland Management (1020) Program. 

Purpose: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recognizes the accomplishments of grazing permittees/lessees and other partners involved with public land management through presentation of the Rangeland Stewardship Awards.  These awards highlight outstanding examples of stewardship which include:  1) maintenance or improvement in rangeland conditions, 2) the use of beneficial management practices, and 3) efforts to collaborate and cooperate with other users of public lands. This is the fifth year these awards have been presented. The Rangeland Stewardship award program is an important component of BLM’s overall goal to improve land health.

Policy/Action: Field Office Managers should submit their nominations to their State Office between January 5 and January 31, 2010. After reviewing all nominations, each State Office will forward one nomination in each of the categories below to Robert Bolton or Doug Powell, Division of Rangeland Resources by February 10, 2010.  

The BLM is recognizing individuals or groups in two categories:

1.  Grazing permittee or lessee; and

2.  Collaborative team (in recognition of overall collaborative efforts).

Further details on the nomination process and standards for judging nominees are contained in the Attachment.

Time Frame: State Offices must receive all nominations from Field Office Managers between January 5 and January 31, 2010. Final nominations for each category must be received by February 10, 2010.

Budget Impact:  The Washington Office will pay for the plaque that recognizes the recipient of the award(s), as well as any travel expenses incurred by the award winner(s) to attend the meeting where the award(s) will be presented. There will be labor costs associated with the time involved with the nominations and award selection process. The agency will incur additional costs associated with public notification of the award(s).   

Background:  The information is included in the Purpose of this document.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Coordination:  Awards will be coordinated with the Divisions of Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Conservation, Public Affairs and Budget.

Contact: Any questions pertaining to this award program should be directed to Bob Bolton, Senior Rangeland Management Specialist at 202-912-7204, or Doug Powell, Rangeland Management Specialist at (202) 912-7209. 


Signed by:                                                                Authenticated by:

Robert V. Abbey                                                        Paulette L. Sanford

Director                                                                     Chief, Division of IRM Governance,WO-560 



       1- Nomination Process (2 pp)

Fiscal Year