Abandoned Mine Land Program State Work Plans Review and Update

IM 2010-030
Instruction Memorandum



December 7, 2009


In Reply Refer To:

3720 (280) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-030

Expires:  09/30/2011


To:                   State Directors

                        Attn: State Office Abandoned Mine Land Program Leads              

From:               Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject:           Abandoned Mine Land Program State Work Plans Review and Update

DD: 01/30/2010; 03/30/2010


Program Area:  Abandoned Mine Lands

Purpose:  This instruction memorandum (IM) transmits policy for updating Abandoned Mine Land (AML) work plans.  This information is requisite for interagency program coordination, to facilitate strategic plan support, and for budget projections.

Policy/Action:  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is revising and updating its national AML Strategic Plan.  As part of this process, State Offices are required to revise and update their current work plans for AML program activities within their field organization.  Information provided should reflect accomplishments during Fiscal Years (FY) 2006 - 2009 and cover current and future AML projects to be funded through FY 2015.

State Offices shall coordinate with their respective Federal and State partnering agencies in developing their revised work plans.  This coordination is essential especially for AML projects involving mixed ownership of lands and waters, and to ensure that the BLM factors its partner's priorities into planning and funding of future projects.  State Offices are to document coordination with partners in the transmittal of their revised work plans to the Washington Office.

To facilitate consistency in approach and timely development of plans, each State Office AML Program Lead shall use the attached template when developing their work plans.

Timeframe:  Draft work plans are due to the Washington Office by January 30, 2010, Final work plans are due by March 30, 2010.

Budget Impact:  This collaborative effort will provide management with information needed to support long-range resource requests and allocations.  There are no anticipated budget impacts for this activity.

Background:  The BLM released its first comprehensive AML program Strategic Plan in March 2006.  The plan was well-received and enhanced significantly the AML program's stature.  Subsequently, significant events have occurred that are and will continue to affect the AML program during the time period of the Department's strategic planning effort (FYs 2010 - 2015).  Among these events are increased base appropriations funding for AML physical safety projects, additional funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), and response actions to program audits.  New Administration priorities and themes such as locating renewable energy facilities on contaminated land and abandoned mine sites will be covered.  Other initiatives, such as the Fix A Shaft Today! (FAST!) campaign, the AML inventory feasibility study, and the Stay Out! - Stay Alive! program will be initiated or continued through the Department's strategic planning period, and will be included in the revised AML program Strategic Plan.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated with AML State Office Program Leads.

Contact:  Stephanie Odell, Senior AML Specialist, Division of Environmental Quality and Protection (WO-280), (202) 912-7133 or Erinn Shirley, AML Specialist, Division of Environmental Quality and Protection (WO-280), (202) 912-7132. 


Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:

Edwin L. Roberson                                         Robert M. Williams

Assistant Director                                           Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Renewable Resources and Planning


1 Attachments

        1 - State Office AML Work Plan Revision Template (5 pp)

Fiscal Year