Request for Compilation of Data for BLM's 2010 Volunteer Annual Report

IM 2010-022
Instruction Memorandum



November 12, 2010


In Reply Refer To:

1114 (172) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2011-022

Expires:  09/30/2012


To:                   State Directors

Attn:  Volunteer Coordinators; State NLCS Leads

From:               Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships

Subject:           Request for Compilation of Data for BLM’s 2010 Volunteer Annual Report

DD: 12/17/2010

Program Area:  Volunteers

Purpose:  The purpose of this memorandum is to request your assistance in reporting State and Center information for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Volunteer Annual Report.

Timeframe:  This Instruction Memorandum (IM) is effective immediately and has a due date of 12/17/2010.

Policy/Action:  Attached are guidelines and spreadsheets for use in collecting and submitting data for your office for FY 2010.  State and Center Volunteer Coordinators should consolidate Field Office data into one comprehensive form and write-up for that State or Center, noting in particular that the “Narrative Information” section requests the top four 2010 volunteer programs for each State or Center, not for every Field Office.

Your submission should include five parts:  numeric data on hours contributed summarized by program area; numeric data summarized according to hours spent on projects in the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) units; narrative descriptions of the top four 2010 volunteer programs and special events; a list of partner organizations involved in volunteer programs and activities; and high-resolution photographs of your volunteers and volunteer activities.  In addition, we are requesting data on the total number of volunteers who served during the FY.  This data can be tracked by counting the number of Volunteer Agreements on file and the number of individuals listed on Group Agreements.

An additional optional part of your submission is the total number of volunteers age 25 and under, who served during the FY, as well as the total number of hours served by these youth. Partial information on youth volunteers may be available from individual and group Volunteer Agreements on file.  If this information has been tracked during FY 2010, please include it.  If it has not been tracked, please include your best estimate of these numbers.  As per our instructions in last year’s IM requesting volunteer data, Field Offices should be increasing their efforts to track the number of volunteers age 25 and under as well as the number of hours served by these youth - during the signing of the agreement, volunteers could be asked if they are age 25 or under.  Response to the question would be optional.

State Volunteer Coordinators should submit consolidated reports for FY 2010 by 12/17/2010.

Prints or slides of photographs should be sent by FedEx to Shelly Fischman of the Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships Division at the following address:  BLM, Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships Division, 1620 L Street NW, Suite 406, Washington, D.C. 20036.  Our Fed-Ex account number is 1506-1842-8.

High-resolution electronic photos may be sent by e-mail to

Budget Impact:  The Volunteer Annual Report provides an opportunity for States to quantify in hours the work accomplished in program areas during the FY that is not otherwise measured in Management Information Systems.  It also improves BLM’s ability to communicate with internal and external audiences.

Background:  The BLM’s Volunteer Annual Report includes profiles of outstanding volunteer projects and events, as well as statistical information on State programs.  The report provides a summary of volunteer efforts throughout BLM and, as such, serves to underscore the value of cooperative conservation and the important role of volunteers in caring for public lands.  The Volunteer Annual Report serves as a valuable means of conveying this message to internal and external audiences.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None

Coordination:  This IM was coordinated with State Volunteer Coordinators, members of the Volunteer Program Adjunct Team, and staff from the NLCS. 
Contact:  If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Shelly Fischman at (202) 912-7453, or Mary Tisdale at (202) 912-7450.



Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Carl Rountree                                                              Robert M. Williams

Director, National Landscape Conservation               Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

    System and Community Partnerships



4 Attachments

   1 - Submission instructions for data, narrative information, partners, and photographs (2 pp)

   2 - BLM State and Center Volunteer Coordinators (4 pp)

   3 - Spreadsheet A - Volunteer and Hosted Worker matrix

   4 - Spreadsheet B - NLCS Volunteer matrix


National Office

Fiscal Year