National Monument and National Conservation Area FY 2009 Reports

IM 2010-020
Instruction Memorandum





November 23, 2009


In Reply Refer To:

6100 (170) P



Instruction Memorandum No. 2010-020

Expires: 9/30/2011

To:                    State Directors                              

From:                Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships

Subject:             National Monument and National Conservation Area FY 2009 Reports

DD: 01/29/2010

Program Area:  National Monuments; National Conservation Areas and Similar Designations

Purpose:  To request that State Directors submit to the Washington Office (WO) Division of the National Landscape Conservation System (WO-171) a Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Manager’s Report for each National Monument, National Conservation Area, and similarly designated area.   

Policy/Action:  Each National Monument, National Conservation Area, Outstanding Natural Area, Cooperative Management and Protection Area, and Forest Reserve (collectively, NM/NCA) Manager must complete a FY 2009 report for his or her unit.  All reports shall follow the guidelines and template provided in the attached documents.  Individualized templates are available on the WO-171 SharePoint site; finished reports shall be posted to this site.  States shall certify that the reports have received State Director review and approval using the format provided.

Time Frame:  Managers should complete their reports in time to allow for State Office review. Reports shall be posted to the SharePoint site by January 29, 2010.

Budget Impact:  Negligible.

Background:  The WO requested reports from NM/NCA Managers in 2006, 2007, and 2008.  These reports and accompanying photographs have been vital to the WO’s understanding of NM/NCAs.  WO staff use these reports when developing budgets and guidance, briefing the various levels of the organization, and creating a more cohesive sense of NLCS priorities.  The reports provide WO staff with relevant, accurate, on-hand information about each unit, reducing the need for additional data calls.

Also for the 2009 report, NLCS will also solicit information on wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, and national scenic and historic trails.  An Instruction Memorandum (IM) requesting these additional reports will be sent out in the next calendar year, after Field Offices have been given the opportunity to review the report templates.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  None.

Coordination:  Preparation of this IM was coordinated with WO-172, WO-200, and state and field offices by way of email, telephone, and conference calls.

Contact:  If you have questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact Bob Ratcliff, Acting Division Chief, National Landscape Conservation System at 202-912-7170 or Kristin Bail, Program Lead, National Monuments and National Conservation Areas, at 202-912-7078.


Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Carl Rountree                                                              Robert M. Williams

Director, National Landscape Conservation               Division of IRM Governance, WO-560

   System and Community Partnerships



3 Attachments

     1 – 2009 National Monument and National Conservation Area Report Template (4 pp)

     2 – 2009 NM and NCA Report Data (Excel workbook with four worksheets)

     3 – State Director Certification Memo Example (1 p)

Fiscal Year