Request for Identification of State and Center Management Representatives for Implementing Environmental Management Systems; DD: September 18, 2009

IM 2009-196
Instruction Memorandum


August 14, 2009

In Reply Refer To:
1700 (280) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2009-196
Expires: 09/30/2010

To: State and Center Directors

From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: Request for Identification of State and Center Management Representatives for Implementing Environmental Management Systems
DD: September 18, 2009
Program Area: All Program Areas

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) requests State and Center Directors’ assistance in identifying the individual who is, or will be, the Management Representative (MR) for implementing the State or Centers’ Environmental Management System (EMS). Additionally, each State and Center has been allotted two seats for a course entitled Implementing an Effective Environmental Management System (EMS) - for Managers. Both the primary and the alternate will be provided training on implementing an effective EMS. This training will be hosted by the National Training Center (NTC) in Phoenix, Arizona and is scheduled for November 16 – 20, 2009. Travel and per diem will be paid by NTC.

Policy/Action: State and Center Directors are requested to provide the names of two individuals, one who will be responsible for leading the implementation of the EMS for their respective State or Center Office and an alternate to Robert Jolley (, in the Division of Environmental Quality and Protection (WO-280), by September 18, 2009. In addition to having the primary responsibility for leading the implementation of the EMS for their respective States or Centers, these individuals will coordinate meetings and activities of the Cross-Functional Team (CFT) and will be responsible for reporting the EMS implementation progress to the State or Centers’ senior leadership.

Timeframe: This IM is effective immediately.

Budget Impact: Although the initial development of an EMS will require some staff time for both the MR and members of the CFT, minimal operational costs should be incurred by the State or Center. An EMS implementation support contract, managed by the CASHE Program Lead, is available for use by the States and Centers. The WO 280 is providing funding for the EMS support contract and for the MR training in Phoenix in order to facilitate EMS implementation.

Background: The requirements relating to implementation of EMS are well established in Executive Order (EO) 13423, Secretarial Order 3226, the Department of the Interior’s 515 DM 4 manual section, and the BLM’s policy. The EO specifies EMS as the primary management approach for addressing environmental aspects of Federal agencies’ internal operations and activities.

The BLM is currently RED on the Environmental Stewardship Scorecard for implementation and is required to have EMS implementation completed in all State and Center Offices and the Washington Office by September 30, 2011.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Coordination: This IM has been coordinated with the NTC’s environmental training lead and the National Operations Center’s CASHE program lead.

Contact: Robert Jolley, Senior Environmental Engineer, Division of Environmental Quality and Protection (WO-280), (202) 912-7126.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Edwin L. Roberson Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Renewable Resources and Planning


National Office

Fiscal Year