Implementation of Roads and Trails Terminology Report Classification of Primitive Roads; DD: 07/31/2009

IM 2009-132
Instruction Memorandum


May 28, 2009

In Reply Refer To:
8340, 8341, 8342,
8358, 9100 (250) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2009-132
Expires: 09/30/2010

To: All Field Officials
Attention: Outdoor Recreation Planners, Engineers, Land Use Planners and Surface Protection and Travel and Transportation Management Specialists

From: Director

Subject: Implementation of Roads and Trails Terminology Report – Classification of Primitive Roads DD: 07/31/2009

Program Areas: Travel and Transportation Management, Off-Highway Vehicle Management, Property and Engineering, Land Use Planning, Lands and Realty.

Purpose: To implement the first phase of classifying transportation route assets as roads, primitive roads and trails, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is reviewing roads currently identified in the Facility Asset Management System (FAMS) to determine which ones should be classified as primitive roads as defined by Instruction Memorandum (IM) 2006-173, “Implementation of the Roads and Trails Terminology Report”, dated June 16, 2006.

Policy/Action: Each field office is to review its current list of FAMS maintenance level one and level two roads and identify those that should be classified as primitive roads. The attached “Guidance to Classify Primitive Roads”, Attachment 1, along with Appendix A-1, A-2 and A-3, should be used to guide the proper classification of transportation assets identified in FAMS.

Route classifications are determined through the Comprehensive Travel and Transportation Management (CTTM) planning process. The CTTM planning process identifies the access routes needed as part of the travel and transportation system or network. The CTTM planning process also determines if the transportation route – road, primitive road or trail- is managed for use by motorized or non-motorized vehicle, is restricted by type of vehicle or season of use, or is intended for administrative access only. Resource Management Plans or subsequent Travel Management Plans identify or designate roads, primitive roads and trails that will be managed as part of the BLM’s transportation system assets. Classification of an asset as a road versus primitive road from the current inventory must be in alignment with all completed CTTM plans, and as future CTTM plans are completed, the FAMS inventory of primitive roads must be revised consistent with the CTTM decisions. The FAMS has been modified to add a new attribute to transportation assets that will be used to flag a segment as a primitive road. As part of this process, all Maintenance Level 1 and 2 road segments have been defaulted to classification as a primitive road. These segments should be evaluated and revised in the FAMS as necessary or they will remain as primitive roads.

It is imperative that this process be carried out as an interdisciplinary effort, and coordinated among all natural resource programs, since these transportation assets are managed for multiple uses. Additionally, classification of roads, primitive roads or trails should have the concurrence of the responsible line manager because the classification must reflect how these transportation assets are maintained.

A determination of whether or not a public land possess wilderness characteristics must be completed prior to making or modifying classifications of roads, primitive roads or trails. Primitive roads shall not be designated within a wilderness study area or within lands that have been identified as having wilderness characteristics for which a land-use plan has determined that wilderness characteristics are to be protected. Any linear feature located within areas that have been identified as wilderness study areas (WSAs) and/or those lands outside of WSAs with wilderness characteristics will be identified in a transportation inventory as a "route". Except for non-motorized and non-mechanized trails, these routes will not be classified as a transportation asset and will not be entered into FAMS unless one of the following conditions are met:
a. Congress designates the area as Wilderness (then non-motorized and non-mechanized trails only), or
b. RMP decision is made to not protect the area for wilderness characteristics, or
c. Congress releases the area from Wilderness consideration.

Time Frame: The classification process is to be completed in FAMS by July 31, 2009.

Budget Impact: There is no significant budget impact.

Background: In 2004-2006, an interdisciplinary National Roads and Trails Terminology Team was chartered to establish strategic direction and consistent terminology for the BLM in managing its transportation assets. The BLM published Technical Note 422, Roads and Trails Terminology (report) in November 2006.

Per IM No. 2006-173, the category of Primitive Road was added as a new category of transportation asset. This requires a review of existing BLM transportation assets in FAMS to identify and re-classify roads currently identified in the FAMS system as Maintenance Level 1-5 roads to either Primitive Road or Road categories. Primitive roads are defined as “A linear route managed for use by four-wheel drive or high clearance vehicles. Primitive roads do not normally meet any BLM road design standard.”
Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Coordination: The BLM Washington Office, Division of Recreation and Visitor Services, (WO-250) and the Division of Business Resources, (WO-850) prepared this IM. This policy has been coordinated with the National Landscape Conservation System staff, the Engineering Advisory Team, the Recreation and Visitor Services Advisory Team, and Trails and Travel Management Team.

Contact: If you have questions, pleasecontact Bob Ratcliffe, Division Chief, Recreation and Visitor Services at 202-452-5040, orRuth Welch, Division Chief, Business Resources at 202-557-3595.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Mike Poole Robert M. Williams
Acting, Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

1 Attachment
1 – Guidance to Classify Primitive Roads (9 pp)


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