"Take It Outside: Children and Nature Program Incentive Funding Awards Announcement"

IM 2009-100
Instruction Memorandum

Washington, D. C. 20240

March 31, 2009

In Reply Refer To:
8300 (250) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2009-100
Expires: 09/30/2010

To: All State Directors
Attn: Associate State Directors and Deputy State Directors

From: Assistant Director for Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: “Take It Outside: Children and Nature” Program Incentive Funding Awards

Program Area: Education and Interpretation; Recreation and Visitor Services; Cultural and Paleontological Resources; Fish, Wildlife and Plant Conservation; and the Office of National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships.

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum announces several aspects of the “Take It Outside: Children and Nature” (TIO) Incentive Funding Program including TIO project selections; funding awards sub-activity codes; and total funding per state and Fiscal_Year (FY) 2009 reporting of accomplishments.

The goal of the TIO program is to encourage more children and their families to spend more time outdoors on public lands; to improve the overall health of our nation’s children; and to promote stewardship of public lands.

Policy/Action: State Directors are asked to notify their state and field offices about the TIO project selections and incentive funding awards (see attachment1) and FY 2009 funding charge code information which includes sub-activities funding totals per state (see attachment 2). The TIO project managers and recipients of the TIO Incentive Funding awards must report project accomplishments by September 30, 2009, using the TIO Project Accomplishment Form (see attachment 3).

Timeframe: Effective immediately.

Budget Impact: Minimal. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has identified $401,000 in existing FY 2008 carry-over funding for the FY 2009 TIO Incentive Funding Program. Funds may be used by state and field offices to support projects or programs outlined in FY 2009 project proposals.

Background: The TIO program was prompted by a growing national concern that children are spending significantly less time outdoors than previous generations; becoming more disconnected from nature; and increasingly showing the symptoms of an epidemic in childhood obesity. These issues were articulated in Richard Louv’s 2005 book “Last Child in the Woods”. In response to these growing national concerns over childhood inactivity, natural resource agency policy makers are promoting a nationwide effort to encourage children to take part in outdoor activities.

The BLM’s Take It Outside program focuses on promoting and expanding existing BLM programs that engage children and families in outdoor activities. The BLM reaches over three million children through existing education and recreation programs annually.

The BLM’s Take it Outside Program is a priority for the Secretary and the BLM Director. The Division of Recreation and Visitor Services (WO-250) in coordination with the Division of Education, Interpretation and Partnerships (WO-172) is leading the effort.

Manual/Handbook Section Affected: None.

Coordination: This IM was coordinated with Environmental Education and Stewardship Education Specialists and the Office of National Landscape Conservation System and Community Partnerships.

Contact: For questions about FY 2009 Incentive Funding Awards, contact Bob Ratcliffe, Division Chief, Recreation and Visitor Services at 202-452-5040 or bob_ratcliffe@blm.gov, or Patti Klein, National Stewardship Coordinator / National Take It Outside: Children and Nature Program Coordinator at 801-539-4235 or patti_klein@blm.gov.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Edwin L. Roberson Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Renewable Resources and Planning

3 Attachments
1 - Take It Outside Children and Nature Program FY 2009 Project List and Funding
Awards (6 pp)
2 - Take It Outside FY 2009 Total Funding Per State and Sub Activities List (1 p)
3 - Take It Outside FY 2009 Incentive Funding Accomplishment Report Form (1 p)


National Office

Fiscal Year