FY 2009 IT Technical Refreshment Strategy Interim Policy

IM 2009-091
Instruction Memorandum


March 17, 2009

In Reply Refer To:
1265 (550) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2009-091
Expires: 09/30/2010

To: Assistant Directors, Center Directors, and State Directors

From: Assistant Director, Information Resources Management

Subject: FY 2009 IT Technical Refreshment Strategy Interim Policy

Program Area: Information Technology (IT)

Purpose: To promulgate the policy and procedures for the acquisition of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) IT assets during fiscal year (FY) 2009.

Policy/Action: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) establishes BLM standards for lifecycle management, reduction in technical variability, and the initiation of phase one of the technical refreshment strategy approved by the Information Technology Investment Board (ITIB). Phase one of the three-phased approach includes desktops and laptops. BLM servers impact the performance of the BLM enterprise infrastructure. Therefore, procurement of servers will be coordinated under the Management for Excellence (M4E) Server Consolidation Initiative. Specifications for server requirements will be managed by the National Operations Center (NOC). BLM will adopt a national five-year technical refreshment cycle for desktop computers and a four-year cycle for laptop computers.

Under this interim policy when purchasing desktop and laptop computers, please decline the extended warranty/maintenance option. For example, if the computer comes with a three-year warranty, do not extend it beyond the standard warranty. Industry studies indicate that computer failure is statistically low. The savings gained from declining the extended warranty is expected to offset the costs of repair and replacement. To limit variability, only BLM specified computers listed on the current Department of the Interior (DOI) contract and in the Technical Reference Model (TRM) are authorized for purchase. The current list of BLM standard configurations and approved devices is available at:

Waivers to this policy may be requested in writing under signature of an ELT Member. Waivers will be considered for law enforcement, air operations, fire suppression, limited field operations, and health and safety based requirements only. Submissions must clearly articulate need and requirements. Waiver requests should be addressed to the Director, National Operations Center (NOC). The NOC will evaluate these and forward their recommendations to AD-500 for approval.
Time Frame: Effective immediately.

Budget Impact: There are no funding changes anticipated for FY 2009. However, in order to implement an enterprise IT technical refreshment strategy in FY 2010, several funding options are under consideration. These will be reviewed with the appropriate organizations as events progress.

The current DOI contract used to purchase hardware, peripherals, and other IT requirements is expected to expire in FY 2010.

Background: The intent of the BLM IT technical refreshment strategy is to implement an enterprise solution that is cost effective, reduce bureau-wide variability, and incorporate industry’s best practices. This interim policy and the recommended FY 2009 equipment standards are a first step toward implementing innovative best practices. Several teams have been tasked to evaluate the available technical standards and equipment that meet field requirements. Recommended specifications and standards were coordinated with the BLM Chief Technology Officer, the NOC Division of Information Resources Management Support Services (OC-300), and the Chief Information Officer Council (CIOC).

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None

Coordination: Business and Fiscal Resources Directorate (WO-800), WO-500, NOC, and the CIOC.

Contact: General questions may be referred to Theresa R. Coleman, Division of Investment Management (WO-550) at 202-452-5039. Please refer technical questions to Bruce Downs, (OC-300) at 303-236-2314.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Scott E. MacPherson Robert M. Williams
Acting, Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Information Resources Management


National Office

Fiscal Year