Memorandum of Understanding between the US Forest Service (FS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding appropriate air quality analysis for energy development activities

IM 2009-064
Instruction Memorandum


January 16, 2009

In Reply Refer To:
7300 (200) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2009-064
Expires: 09/30/2010

To: All Washington Office Officials, State Directors, and Center Directors

From: Director

Subject: Memorandum of Understanding between the US Forest Service (FS) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding appropriate air quality analysis for energy development activities

Program Areas: Air Resource Management Program, Fluid Minerals Development, Decision Support, Planning, and NEPA

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) transmits a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the US Forest Service and the BLM regarding each Federal land management agency’s decisions related to energy development activities and the associated air quality analyses.

Policy/Action: The field will follow the guidance set in the attached MOU regarding energy development activities and associated air quality analysis. The MOU includes a Table which provides information and expectations for conducting air quality analysis for energy development activities for:
1. Planning;
2. Low-level Energy Development Activity; and
3. Project/High-Level Energy Development Activity.

As you are determining whether an air quality analysis will be qualitative or quantitative, you should base that decision on the following:
1. What information is needed in order for the decision to be made;
2. Whether reasonably foreseeable assumptions on air quality emissions can be identified, and if so;
3. Whether emissions based activity data associated with those assumptions is available, and if so;
4. Whether reasonably foreseeable impact location data can be identified.
Additional guidance is being prepared regarding conducting air quality analysis at the land use planning stage and for implementation activities.

Timeframe: Effective upon issuance. The attached MOU took effect when signed and shall remain in effect for 5 years from the date of execution.

Budget Impact: No substantive effect.

Background: The US Forest Service initiated a Memorandum of Understanding between the BLM and the FS. The purpose of the MOU is to establish guidance to insure consistent and appropriate air quality analyses are conducted for the various levels of decision-making related to energy development on BLM and National Forest System lands.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: No BLM Manuals or Handbooks are directly affected as a result of this Memorandum of Understanding.

Coordination: This document was coordinated with the US Forest Service and the BLM Division of Renewable Resources and Planning.

Contact: Ed Roberson, Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning, (202) 208-4896

Signed by: Authenticated by:
James L. Caswell Robert M. Williams
Director Division of IRM Governance

1 Attachment
1 – Memorandum of Understanding (6 pp)


National Office

Fiscal Year