Abandoned Mine and Site Cleanup Module Database; DD: 12/31/08; October 31, 2009

IM 2008-189
Instruction Memorandum


September 3, 2008

In Reply Refer To:
1703, 3720 (280) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2008-189
Expires: 09/30/2009

To: All Field Officials

From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: Abandoned Mine and Site Cleanup Module Database
DD: 12/31/08; October 31, 2009

Program Areas: Abandoned Mine Lands (AML), Hazard Management and Resource Restoration (Hazmat).

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) establishes policy and responsibilities for populating and updating the Abandoned Mine – Site Cleanup Module (AMSCM) database system. The IM specifies the types of AML and Hazmat sites to be included and the mandatory data requirements for each record.

Policy/Action: It is the policy of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to maintain an inventory of and central repository for data about each AML and Hazmat site. The types of sites to be included are those that fall under the purview of either of these two programs. Refer to the following manuals and handbooks for specifications of sites to include: Abandoned Mine Lands Program Policy Manual (MS 3720) and Handbook (H-3720-1); Hazard Management and Resource Restoration Manual (MS 1703); and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Response Actions Handbook (H-1703-1).
All AML and Hazmat sites must be entered into the AMSCM before funds are spent on studies and cleanup actions. Data from site verification, emergency, and time-critical response actions should be entered into AMSCM upon completion. As cleanup activities ensue the database must be updated regularly and must be able to support accomplishments entered into the Management Information System (MIS) for Fiscal_Year (FY) 2008 and the Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) for FY 2009 and beyond. These actions will enable the BLM to produce an audit trail linking detailed information from AMSCM with summary data reported in MIS and FBMS.

The BLM also utilizes the AMSCM database to record all of its Environmental and Disposal Liabilities (EDL) sites. These sites are uploaded from AMSCM to the Department of Interior EDL database.

An AMSCM record contains mandatory data fields and discretionary data fields. Some of the data must be collected when visiting the site. Other data fields are more easily completed in an office setting as they may require research using other databases and file records. Data to be completed in the field are shown on the attached field inspection checklist form. An electronically fillable version of the form is under development. The attached form may be used until the electronic form is released.

Recommendations from an Office of Inspector General (OIG) audit report and recent program reviews have identified the need to improve accountability for AMSCM data quality and currency. State Directors, District Managers, and Field Managers are responsible for: 1. ensuring that the AMSCM is populated and updated accurately and in a timely manner; 2. assigning AMSCM responsibilities to appropriate field managers and employees; 3. accountability of AMSCM responsibilities through Employee Performance Appraisal Plans; 4. ensuring that designated employees are trained and have sufficient AMSCM access rights and; 5. monitoring system use to ensure that records are being entered and updated.

Timeframe: By December 31, 2008, program elements reported by MIS as accomplishments for Fiscal_Year (FY) 2008 must be supported by underlying records and reports from AMSCM. Accomplishments for FY 2009 that are entered into FBMS must be entered into AMSCM by October 31, 2009. Records reported as an EDL must be entered into AMSCM as soon as due care is completed. All EDLs must be updated quarterly.

Budget Impacts: Development and maintenance costs for the AMSCM are borne by the Washington Office and National Operations Center (NOC). State and Field Offices will incur normal labor costs.

The AMSCM was created in 2007 with the merger of the AML and Hazmat site databases. Because of the intrinsic nature of AML and Hazmat sites, it was determined that the two databases could be merged into one, resulting in a greater efficiency of effort. Recent OIG audits and program reviews have identified data quality weaknesses. Verification of the merged data is an ongoing effort.

For more detailed information about AMSCM, visit the eLearning Site at http://ilmnirm0ad19105:8300/elearning/. The eLearning site includes online access to training, user documentation, and relevant links. A “train the trainer” session on using AMSCM was conducted in Denver in May 2007. This session was recorded and is available on the eLearning site. Several field offices have had supplemental training conducted at their locations. Refer to the contacts below if you desire to arrange for on-site training.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Coordination: The AMSCM and data requirements were developed by a team of program coordinators from all levels of the Bureau.

Contacts: Contact Georgette A. Fogle, WO AMSCM Representative for policy and guidance questions at (202) 452-5123. Contact Kris Doebbler, AMSCM User Representative and Data Steward, NOC, at (303) 236-3350 for business, training, and AML/Hazmat technical questions. Contact Cheryl Laudenbach, NOC, at (303) 236-1955 for access, training, security and information technology questions.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Edwin L. Roberson Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Renewable Resources and Planning

1 - Attachment
1 – Temporary Abandoned Mine/Hazmat Inventory Field Inspection Checklist
Form (6 pp)


National Office

Fiscal Year