Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), Transportation Planning Project Proposals DD: 03/31/2007

IM 2007-078
Instruction Memorandum


March 8, 2007

In Reply Refer To:
9110-1 (360) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2007-078
Expires: 09/30/2008

To: Assistant Directors, State Directors and Center Directors

From: Assistant Director, Minerals, Realty and Resource Protection

Subject: Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act – A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), Transportation Planning Project
Proposals DD: 03/31/2007

Program Area: Transportation Planning

Purpose: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) submitted a request to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for Fiscal_Year (FY) 2007 transportation planning funds to support the BLM SAFETEA-LU Implementation Plan/FY 2007 Program Proposal (Attachment 1). States are now requested to submit individual proposals for SAFETEA-LU transportation planning projects for FY 2007 to the Engineering and Environmental Services Division (WO-360). Proposals from the states will be used to distribute funds that BLM anticipates receiving this year from the FHWA.

Policy/Action: Submit SAFETEA-LU proposed FY 2007 projects for transportation planning following the instructions and using the format found at Attachment 1. Attachment 2 provides the FY 2006 FHWA Eligibility Guidelines for projects pursuant to 23 United States Code 204(i) (2).

Review Attachment 1 to ensure proposed projects capture the intent of the SAFETEA-LU BLM Implementation Plan/ FY 2007 Program Proposal. Attachment 2 is the FHWA’s project Eligibility Guidelines. The FHWA has informed BLM that purchase of traffic counters are endorsed through Item 7 of the Eligibility Guidelines. The FHWA has also made the determination that kiosks and signs are considered construction and are therefore not allowed. Use Attachment 3 (BLM’s Transportation Planning Project Proposals for FY 2007) to submit your project proposals. Send the proposals electronically to

Timeframe: We are requesting that the states electronically submit their respective transportation planning project proposals to the Washington Office by
March 31, 2007.

Budget Impact: None.

Background: The SAFETEA-LU, through Public Law 109-59, was passed in August 2005. Through Title 23 United States Code Section 204, the BLM is entitled to apply for transportation planning funds each year. A letter, along with BLM’s Implementation Plan/FY 2007 Program Proposal, was sent to the FHWA requesting funding in the amount of $1,800,000 for FY 2007 transportation planning projects.

Once the funds are received, and we are confident they are forthcoming, they will be transferred in varying amounts to the State Offices based on State priorities for the transportation planning projects submitted by the BLM SAFETEA-LU Coordinators. Typically, many of the coordinators work with state departments of transportation, counties, the FHWA, or other partners on planning and design issues that are mutually beneficial to all parties.

Coordination: Each of the State Engineers and SAFETEA-LU Coordinators is fully cognizant of the requirement for submitting project proposals for transportation planning projects to be accomplished in FY 2007. The Engineering and Environmental Services Division (WO-360) will be working with the Budget Office (WO-880) on the distribution of funds once they are received.

Contact: If you have any questions in regard to this request, or need any help in preparing your proposal, please contact Victor Montoya at (202) 557-3593.
Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Bob Anderson
Robert M. Williams
Acting, Assistant Director
Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Minerals, Realty and Resource Protection

3 Attachments
1- BLM SAFETEA-LU Implementation Plan/Fiscal_Year 2007 Program Proposal (2 pp)
2- Federal Highway Administration, Office of Federal Lands Highway, Eligibility Guidelines (2 pp)
3 - BLM Transportation Planning Project Proposals for FY 2007 for SAFETEA-LU (2 pp)


National Office

Fiscal Year