Submission of Pesticide Use Reports for Fiscal_Year (FY) 2006 DD: 02/02/2007

IM 2007-046
Instruction Memorandum


January 25, 2007

In Reply Refer To:
9011, 9015 (220) P

Instruction Memorandum No. 2007-046
Expires: 09/30/2008

To: All Field Office Officials

From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: Submission of Pesticide Use Reports for Fiscal_Year (FY) 2006 DD: 02/02/2007

Program Areas: Pesticide Use Report--Integrated Pest Management Report

Purpose: The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is required to submit an annual Pesticide Use Report to the Environmental Protection Agency. This Instruction Memorandum will generate the data necessary for the Washington Office (WO) to produce the reports.

Policy/Action: As directed by the BLM Manual Section 9011--Chemical Pest Control, Part 13C, and H-9011-1, Part C.3, the BLM is required to submit an annual Pesticide Use Report to the Environmental Protection Agency. In addition, the Integrated Pest Management Report is required by BLM Manual Section 9015--Integrated Pest Management, Part 62. Every office must complete and submit the attached tables, even those who did not apply pesticides during the year.

Background: Every Field Office that applied pesticides during FY 2006 is required to submit these materials (Tables 1, 2, 3, and Attachments 3 and 5). The Integrated Pest Management Report must accompany the Pesticide Use Report in order to complete the task. The examples and forms are identical to those used in previous years, except for a modification of the Integrated Pest Management Report. Even if pesticides were not applied, the Pesticide Use Report and Integrated Pest Management Report need to be completed acknowledging the fact that no pesticides were applied along with identifying any other pest management activities.

Each field office should submit the completed reports to their state office weed and/or pesticide coordinator for State compilation. The Pesticide Use Report consists of three tables. The format for each of these tables is shown in Attachment 1. An example of a correctly completed Pesticide Use Report is shown in Attachment 2. Remember to report all pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, larvicides, fungicides, etc.) used for the management of weeds, insects, diseases, etc., when filling out the tables. Table 1 (Attachment 1-1) should include the chemical name, not the trade name, pesticide use rate in pounds of active ingredient or acid equivalent per acre, as stated on the pesticide label. It is understood that certain pesticide use rates are in terms of ounces active ingredient per acre, be sure to convert the ounces per acre to pounds per acre active ingredient before entering the value in the table. Acres treated, method of application (air or ground), and total active ingredient, in terms of pounds per acre, is also included in this table. Table 2 (Attachment 2-1) should include the total acres treated by aircraft and ground application, and Table 3 (Attachment 1-2) should include each chemical’s total pounds active ingredient, or acid equivalent, applied for each chemical in your State. Completed examples of these three tables can be found in Attachment 2.

For those who are interested in submitting the data using an Excel spreadsheet, attached is the form that has been used (Attachment 5). Enter data into Columns A, B, C, D, E, and F. Do not enter data into the other columns (Columns G-M); they will be filled automatically using the data that has been entered in the first five columns. Attachment 6 is an example of a completed form. The spreadsheet version for Tables 2 and 3, “Acres Chemically Treated” and “Total Pounds Active Ingredient Applied, respectively, is not available and will require using the non-spreadsheet form.

Do not modify any formulas in the electronic table. If there are questions regarding the placement of data, contact your State pesticide coordinator.

The format for the Integrated Pest Management Report compiled for each State is shown in Attachment 3. In this report by Field Office (Attachment 3), enter acres treated, treatment /management option, and the treatment method, where applicable (ground or air). Include the number of acres treated by other management methods, such as, the use of domestic animals (goats or sheep), biological, mechanical, manual activity, and number of acres inventoried. Refer to Attachment 4-1, for an example of a completed form. When submitting information for biological control work, submit (1) the number of Biological Control Agent releases, (2) the number of collections made by weed species, (3) the number of acres Biological Weed Control Agents have expanded from the end of FY 2005; and (4) the estimated number of acres of weeds where biological weed control agents have become established.

For those who are interested in submitting the data using the Excel Spreadsheet format, refer to Attachments 7 and 8. Attachment 7 is the format to be used and Attachment 8 is an example of what the data will look like when entered.

Timeframes: The State submissions should be sent electronically or by mail to Dr. Richard Lee, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Specialist, Denver Federal Center, Bldg 50, P.O. Box 25047, Denver, CO 80225-0047.

Budget Impacts: None. Labor funding to complete the work is within your state and field office budgets.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None. Data call is to comply with manual policy requirements.

Coordination: The data call is an annual requirement and has been coordinated with the State IPM Specialists.

Contact: Questions should be directed to Dr. Richard Lee, BLM’s IPM Specialist, at (303) 236-1734.

Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Chuck Otto
Robert M. Williams
Acting, Deputy Assistant Director
Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Renewable Resources and Planning

8 Attachments
1 – Pesticide Use Report Format (2 pp)
2 – Pesticide Use Report Example (3 pp)
3 – Integrated Pest Management Report Format (1 p)
4 – Integrated Pest Management Report Example (1 p)
5 – Pesticide Use Report Using the Excel Spreadsheet – Format (1 p)
6 – Pesticide Use Report Using the Excel Spreadsheet – Example (1 p)
7 – Integrated Pest Management Report Using the Excel Spreadsheet – Format (1 p)
8 – Integrated Pest Management Report Using the Excel Spreadsheet – Example (1 p)


National Office

Fiscal Year