Government to Government Consultation with Idaho Governor's Office of Energy Resources

Instruction Memorandum

Purpose:  The purpose of this Instruction Memorandum (IM) is to establish a practice of formal government to government consultation with the Administrator of the Idaho Governor’s Office of Energy Resources regarding proposed actions to be taken on any energy related project (e.g. power lines, oil and gas leasing, hydropower, renewable energy).  This includes any action requiring an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement.  The purpose of formal consultation is to insure that the Idaho Governor’s Office of Energy Resources is well informed regarding energy related projects, enabling the State to provide meaningful input in a timely manner.  

Policy/Action:  The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) relationship with the State of Idaho is of the highest importance.  When an application is received for an energy related action, open communication should be initiated with the Idaho Governor’s Office of Energy Resources.  This initial communication should be in the form of a letter which includes at a minimum: the project description, level of environmental analysis to be completed, and preliminary timeline.  Updates should be made periodically when major milestones are met such as initiating the scoping period, alternative development, and availability of the environmental document for comment.  Since the Office of Energy Resources is frequently contacted for information concerning BLM energy development projects, send to the Administrator advanced copies of scoping letters, newsletters and other written public communication so that he/she can appropriately respond to these inquires.  We feel that this consultation is critical to ensure the projects are developed diligently, analyzed to the fullest extent and with the best available information.    

Timeframe:  This policy is effective immediately.  
Background:  Although the BLM strives to inform the State of Idaho of projects during the scoping period, more frequent and dynamic communication, in addition to the scoping period notice, has been requested by the State of Idaho.  The Office of Energy Resources is responsible for coordinating the State of Idaho’s formal communication with the BLM on energy projects.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  No manuals or handbooks are affected.
Coordination:  Idaho State Office staff and the State of Idaho.
Contact:  Questions may be directed to Jim Fincher, Branch Chief for Lands, Minerals and Water Rights, at (208) 373-3827 or

Boise District with Union:  Management is reminded to notify and satisfy any bargaining requirements prior to implementation.

Fiscal Year