Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Idaho Recreation Fee Proposal Process

Information Bulletin

Bureau of Land Management
1387 South Vinnell Way
Boise, ID 83709-1657
United States

In Reply Refer To:

8300 (931) P

To:Idaho Leadership Team
From:John F. Ruhs, State Director
Subject:Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Idaho Recreation Fee Proposal Process
Information Bulletin:

Background: The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act (FLREA) authorizes federal agencies to collect fees at developed recreation sites and retain them to maintain and improve those sites. FLREA requires federal agencies to obtain formal public input through Resource Advisory Councils (RAC) on proposals to establish new recreation fee sites, or to adjust existing recreation fees. In September 2020, BLM Idaho reconfigured and consolidated four District RACs into one statewide RAC in compliance with the “Executive Order on Evaluating and Improving the Utility of Federal Advisory Committees” issued on June 14, 2019, and direction from BLM Headquarters (HQ). This necessitates development of a consistent process for all BLM Idaho District and Field Offices to follow in developing recreation fee proposals and presenting them to the BLM Idaho RAC for consideration.


Purpose: Define a Statewide RAC Recreation Fee Proposal Process.


Policy: The BLM Idaho District/Field Offices must follow this process to develop and present proposals for new fee(s) or changes to fee(s) for a recreation area or site(s) to the BLM Idaho RAC.


Business Plan

  1. Field Office (FO) recreation staff write a draft business plan that proposes a new fee or fee change and submits it to, at a minimum, the Field Manager and District Manager for review and approval and the District Public Affairs Officer for review and input.
  2. FO recreation staff sends the reviewed and approved draft business plan to the Idaho State Office (ISO) lead Outdoor Recreation Planner to review.
  3. The ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner reviews the draft business plan and provides comments on it as needed to the FO for consideration.
  4. The FO considers/incorporates the lead Outdoor Recreation Planner’s comments and develops a final draft business plan and submits it to, at a minimum, the Field Manager and District Manager for review and approval and the District Public Affairs Officer for review and input.
  5. The District Manager schedules a briefing on the final draft business plan with the Idaho State Director, Associate State Director, Deputy State Director for Resources and Science, Branch Chief Resources, ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner, Deputy State Director for Communications, and other staff as necessary.
  6. The FO/District prepares a briefing paper on the fee proposal and submits it along with the final draft business plan to those who will be participating in the briefing at least one week prior to the briefing.
  7. The FO/District addresses any comments/feedback provided during the briefing identified by the Idaho State Director as required to submit the final draft business plan to BLM HQ.
  8. The ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner provides the business plan to the BLM HQ Fee and Permit lead for review.
  9. The ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner provides comments and feedback on the business plan from the BLM HQ Fee and Permit lead to the FO.
  10. The FO incorporates comments and feedback on the business plan from the HQ Fee and Permit lead.

Public Engagement

  1. The FO initiates public notification and outreach for the fee proposal per PL 108-447 Sec. 804 (d)(4) and the BLM Recreation Permit and Fee Administration Handbook (H-2930-1). This includes, but is not limited to:
    • Soliciting public comments for at least 30 days on the draft business plan by:
      • Posting it on the BLM Recreation Site Business Plans website https://www.blm.gov/programs/recreation/permits-and-fees/business-plans
      • Issuing news releases, posting information on social media platforms, and/or purchasing ads in local media outlets.
    • Publishing a notice of a proposed new fee in the Federal Register at least 6 months before the establishment of a new fee area or recreation site. Federal Register Notices (FRN) are not required for proposed fee changes.
    • The FO reviews and considers public comments, revises the draft business plan as warranted, and finalizes the business plan.

RAC Engagement

  1. When developing draft RAC meeting agendas as part of preparing FRN packages to submit to BLM HQ/ Department of the Interior (DOI) for review and approval, the ISO RAC Coordinator/Deputy State Director for Communications works with the ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner and District Managers to determine which, if any, fee proposals may be ready to present to the RAC.
  2. FRNs published, and information distributed to the media, as required at least 30 days in advance of RAC meetings must indicate that “recreation site management, fees, and associated amenities” will be on the agenda.
  3. The FO prepares a fee proposal presentation for the RAC meeting using a standard template provided by the ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner.
  4. At least 60 days in advance of the RAC meeting, the District Manager schedules a briefing on the final business plan, which includes delivery of the presentation for the RAC meeting, with the Idaho State Director, Associate State Director, Deputy State Director for Resources and Science, Branch Chief Resources, ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner, Deputy State Director for Communications, Idaho State Office RAC Coordinator, and other staff as necessary.
  5. The FO/District addresses any comments/feedback provided during the briefing identified by the Idaho State Director as required to include the fee proposal on the final RAC meeting agenda and submit the final business plan to the ISO RAC Coordinator.
  6. The FO provides the final business plan to the ISO RAC Coordinator at least three weeks before the RAC meeting. The ISO RAC Coordinator provides the final business plan to RAC members at least two weeks before the RAC meeting. This process must be conducted in accordance with (43 CFR 1784.4-2 and 43 CFR 1784.5-2.
  7. The FO presents the fee proposal to the RAC at the RAC meeting.
  8. The RAC provides a recommendation on the fee proposal to the BLM Idaho State Director, the Designated Federal Official for the RAC, based on a formal vote:
    • If the RAC recommendation affirms the proposal, the FO implements the fee proposal.
    • If the RAC recommends a modification to the proposal and the BLM Idaho State Director, or designee, agrees with the recommended modification, the proposal may then be implemented; alternatively, the proposal may be withdrawn.
    • If the RAC does not recommend implementation of the proposal, the BLM Idaho State Director, or designee, determines if the FO still wishes to move forward with the original proposal. If the FO wishes to proceed, and the BLM Idaho State Director, or designee agrees, the ISO lead Outdoor Recreation Planner notifies BLM HQ-250, which coordinates with the DOI to issue the required written notification to Congress for rejecting the RAC recommendation. PL 108-447 Sec. 804 (d)(4)


Contacts: Questions may be directed to: Jennifer Jones, Supervisory Public Affairs Specialist jenniferjones@blm.gov (208) 373-4016, or Robin Fehlau, Outdoor Recreation Planner, at rfehlau@blm.gov (208) 373-3825.


Signed By:
John F. Ruhs
State Director
Authenticated By:
Robyn Anderson
Administrative Specialist


Idaho State Office

Fiscal Year