Lands With Wilderness Characteristics (LWC) Inventory Training

Information Bulletin

In Reply Refer To:
8300 (931) P

                                                                        August 10, 2015  

Information Bulletin No. ID-2015-015

To:           All Field Offices

                All Recreation/Wilderness Staff

From:       Jeffery L. Foss

                Deputy State Director, Resources

Subject:   Lands With Wilderness Characteristics (LWC) Inventory Training     DD:  9/11/2015


The statewide LWC inventory training is scheduled for September 24th, 2015, in Twin Falls.  Peter Mali, the Washington Wilderness Program Lead, will conduct the training in the Twin Falls District Office conference room from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  We encourage Field Managers, Environmental Coordinators/NEPA Planners, GIS staff and others to also attend this training.


Training Objectives:

1) What is the inventory process and why the Bureau of Land Management inventories for LWC.


2) How to initiate and complete a LWC inventory.


3) How to analyze citizen inventories


Please provide your attendance information to Robin Fehlau, Outdoor Recreation Planner at (208) 373-3825 by September 11, 2015.  


Signed by:

Jeffery L. Foss


Authenticated by:

Terrian Wells

Program Analyst - Litigation


cc:  All District Managers

Fiscal Year