Nominations for the Bureau of Land Management’s Congressional Fellows Program

Information Bulletin
In Reply Refer To:

In Reply Refer To:
1252, 1400-410 (HQ-600) P

To:Assistant Directors and State Directors
From:Assistant Director, Communications
Subject:Nominations for the Bureau of Land Management’s Congressional Fellows Program

United States Department of the Interior

September 13, 2022

In Reply Refer To:
1252, 1400-410 (HQ-600) P

Information Bulletin 2022-056

To:                  Assistant Directors and State Directors

From:              Assistant Director, Communications

Subject:           Nominations for the Bureau of Land Management’s Congressional Fellows Program                      DD:  10/06/2022

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is offering the Congressional Fellows

Program for the upcoming 1st Session of the 118th Congress, which begins in

January 2023 and runs through December 2023. This is a developmental program

for BLM employees, offering participants assignments in the U.S. House of

Representatives and the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C. Participants in the

program work full-time in a congressional office and are relied upon as "regular"

congressional staff members. This program has a history of providing long-term

benefits to both congressional staffs and BLM employees. Employees who

participate in the program are selected from among the best and brightest that the

BLM has to offer. When the fellowship ends, the fellow returns to his or her

previous position in the BLM organization.

State Directors and Assistant Directors are each encouraged to nominate one highly qualified employee for consideration.


Candidates should be at the GS-12 grade level or above. In selecting applicants for the program, please bear in mind that candidates should:

  • Be willing to commit to a full year of work with the congressional office;
  • Be prepared for working situations that potentially include long hours, unyielding leave schedules, limited office space, and a hectic pace;
  • Be flexible and work well under pressure;
  • Have substantive knowledge of the BLM's mission and resource programs;
  • Possess a working knowledge of congressional operations and be politically aware;
  • Demonstrate strong analytical, communications, and interpersonal skills; and
  • Be able to independently take on large-scale and long-term projects.


The HQ Communications Directorate will review the nominations and make recommendations to BLM and Departmental leadership for final selections. Afterwards, approved candidates will interview with congressional staffs. Note that candidates selected for the program are not guaranteed Congressional Fellowships since the final selections are made by the congressional offices.

Detail to HQ Legislative Affairs

If selected and placed with a congressional office, and if schedules allow, prospective Fellows are encouraged to detail with HQ Legislative Affairs for 30-60 days prior to the commencement of the congressional assignment.

Post-Fellowship Restriction

Per PIM 97-107, Field Assignments Following Hill Details, in order to avoid any potential conflict of interest, for the 3-year period following the end of the fellowship, a BLM employee who has participated in the Congressional Fellows Program may not accept a BLM assignment in the State of the Member or the Chair of the Committee/Subcommittee in whose office they served.

Sponsoring Office Costs

The salary for a BLM Congressional Fellow will be paid by the sponsoring State or Directorate, while any travel and per diem to be located in Washington, D.C., will be paid by the BLM Director's Office (HQ 100), through the Communications Directorate (HQ 600).

Due Date

Nominations are due from the State Directors and Assistant Directors to Patrick Wilkinson, Division Chief, Legislative Affairs, ( by October 6, 2022.

Application Requirements

Nominations must include a resume and an individual statement as part of their application:

  1. Resume. Applicants should submit a well-formatted 1-2 page resume that is suitable to share with congressional offices.
  2. One-page Application Statement. Applicants should prepare and submit a one-page statement that clearly states the anticipated goals, objectives, and benefits to both the employee and the Bureau from the employee's participation – both during and following the program.

Finally, note that the BLM Congressional Fellows Program and occasional DOI-initiated invitations for congressional fellows are the only avenues for BLM employees to be considered to serve in positions in Congress. The BLM will not support applications to externally-sponsored congressional fellows programs.

For further information, please contact Patrick Wilkinson, Division Chief for Legislative Affairs, (202) 631-6346; Meagan Gins, Deputy Division Chief for Legislative Affairs, (202) 779-0354;  or Jeff Krauss, Acting Assistant Director for Communications, (202) 329-2517.


Signed by:                             Authenticated by:
Jeff Krauss                            Robert M. Williams
Acting, Assistant Director    Division of Regulatory Affairs and Directives,(HQ-630)


Administrative or Mission Related:




Information Bulletin:


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is offering the Congressional Fellows Program for the upcoming 1st Session of the 118th Congress, which begins in January 2023 and runs through December 2023. This is a developmental program for BLM employees, offering participants assignments in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C. Participants in the program work full-time in a congressional office and are relied upon as "regular" congressional staff members. This program has a history of providing long-term benefits to both congressional staffs and BLM employees. Employees who participate in the program are selected from among the best and brightest that the BLM has to offer. When the fellowship ends, the fellow returns to his or her previous position in the BLM organization.

State Directors and Assistant Directors are each encouraged to nominate one highly qualified employee for consideration.

Fiscal Year