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Pre-Season Fire & Aviation Meeting, 2010

CA IB-2010-006
Information Bulletin

March 5, 2010

In Reply Refer To:
9210 (CA943) P


Information Bulletin No. CA-2010-006

To:             District/Field Office Fire Management Officers
                   District/Field Office Managers

From:         State Fire Management Officer

Subject:     Pre-Season Fire & Aviation Meeting, 2010

Attached you will find the draft agenda for our Pre-Season Fire and Aviation meeting to be held on April 20th – 22nd at the Lake Natoma Inn in Folsom, California. Also attached you will find the hotel information with reservation details to assist you in making your arrangements.

Our meeting will begin promptly at 1300 on 4/20/10, and run through around 1200 on 4/22/10.  Please make your travel plans accordingly. My hope is that all the District and Field Office Managers and Fire Personnel will be able to attend and that we will have a productive three days. Your pre-meeting preparation is appreciated. Please contact Craig Barnes if you have any questions at or (916) 978-4433.

Note: A guest speaker from the Colorado State Office will address fatality response protocols beginning at 0800 on Wednesday. Line officers are especially encouraged to attend during the afternoon of Tuesday, April 20th and the morning of Wednesday, April 21st.

Signed by:                                                                                          
Craig Barnes                                                                                      
State Fire Management Officer                                                         

Authenticated by:
Richard A. Erickson
Records Management

            1. Hotel Reservation Information (1 p)
            2. California Pre-Season Fire Meeting Draft Agenda (3 pp)


Hotel Reservation Information


A limited block of rooms have been reserved at:
Lake Natoma Inn
702 Gold Lake Drive
Folsom, CA  95630

Please follow these instructions to ensure your room is at the federal per diem rate:
Call:  (916) 351-1500 or 1-800-808-5253
Reference: Bureau of Land Management
Deadline: March 19, 2010

After March 19th all unreserved rooms will be released back to the hotel and will no longer be locked to the Pre-Season Meeting.

Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance of arrival to avoid charges.

Maps, hotel, and local information can be obtained on their website:



( D - R - A - F - T )

California Pre-Season Fire Meeting
April 20-22, 2010
Lake Natoma Inn
Folsom, California


Tuesday- April 20st, 1300 hrs.

            Introductions                                                            Craig Barnes, Branch Chief Fire & Aviation

            Ground Rules and Logistics                                                  Christine Zell, Facilitator

            Welcome                                                                                   Jim Abbott / Karen Barnette

            National Office Fire and Aviation Update                             TBA

            WFDDS – What Line Officers need to Know                        James Newman                                                                                              


            Budget / FBMS Update                                                           James Newman                                           

            ARRA / NFPORS                                                                       Denise Blankenship

            National / State Prescribed Fire Policy                                  Denise Blankenship

            Telecom Program Discussion                                                 District FMO’s

Adjourn for the Day

Wednesday - April 21nd,  0800 hrs.

            Fatality Response – Protocols and Lessons Learned              Ken Kerr – Colorado SFMO  

            Fire Trespass Plan                                                                   Debra Hein



            California AOP Standard Resource Management              Chambers/Whitcome

            Preparedness Review 2010                                                   Bannister

  • Update
  • Schedule 
  • Process

            California BLM Emergency Services Guide                        Paul Whitcome
            (Medical Aid Protocol)         

            Line Officer - Open Forum – Questions / Concerns          Group


            District Updates – 10 minutes each                                    District FMOs

  • Report on staffing levels and vacancies
    • CA/BLM Fire Board of Directors                                 Barnes & Bannister
    • CWCG Updates
    • FLT Meeting Update
    • FOG Update

            High Reliability Organizations (HRO)                                  Bannister/Group

            Take Responsibility Program Update                                  Hein / Arteaga


Adjourn for the Day


Thursday - April 22rd,  0800 hrs.

            New Labor Contract                                                                Christine Zell

            EEO – Considerations for 2010                                              EEO

            Prescribed Fire OJT Program                                                 Sue Rocha

  • Process                                                                            Denise Blankenship

            Billing procedures via FBMS                                                 Ann Marie Carlson           

            GACC Reports                                                                        Duncan / Matarazzi

            Seasonal Update                                                                      Leach

            Bin Items        

            Open discussion           

            Schedule 2010 Post-Season Fire Meeting

            Functional Group Breakouts – as needed


1200 Adjourn



California State Office

Fiscal Year