Greater Sage-grouse RMPA revisions – Applicable Instruction Memoranda

IB 2025-026
Information Bulletin

Bureau of Land Management
National Headquarters
Washington, DC 20240
United States

In Reply Refer To:

1170 (230) P 

To:All BLM Employees
From:Assistant Director, Resources and Planning
Subject:Greater Sage-grouse RMPA revisions – Applicable Instruction Memoranda
Information Bulletin:

This Information Bulletin (IB) clarifies the Instruction Memoranda (IMs) that apply to the State Offices (SO) continuing to operate under the 2015 Greater Sage-Grouse (GRSG) Resource Management Plan Amendments and Revisions (2015 RMP decisions). Because the BLM is temporarily enjoined from implementing its 2019 GRSG RMP decisions, the 2015 GRSG RMP decisions remain in effect until the court’s preliminary injunction is lifted or the BLM issues new RMP decisions that amend or revise GRSG decisions in its RMPs.    

The 2015 GRSG RMPA decisions amended or revised 77 RMPs to promote GRSG conservation on public lands. In 2019 the BLM amended its RMPs in the states of California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. On October 16, 2019, the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho preliminarily enjoined the BLM from implementing its 2019 GRSG RMPAs. More recently, the BLM has been preparing new RMP amendments to update its management of GRSG and its habitat on public lands, incorporating new scientific information and lessons learned as well as addressing concerns with inconsistent management based on political boundaries. The 2015 RMPA decisions will continue to apply until the BLM has completed its ongoing RMP amendment process. 

To address ecological and state law differences between different states covered by the ongoing GRSG plan amendment process, each SO (or region where a plan amendment covers two states) expects to issue an individual ROD concerning proposed amendments to existing plans in the state or region. 

For SOs implementing the 2015 GRSG RMP decisions, all the following IMs currently apply:  

  1. IM-2016-038 (GRSG habitat conservation funding policy, allocation, directives and guidance) 

  1. IM-2016-040 (Travel and Transportation Management Project Plans to Implement GRSG RMPA decisions) 

  1. IM-2016-090 (GRSG Program of Work for Vegetation and Habitat Projects) 

  1. IM-2016-105 (Land Use Planning and NEPA Compliance in GRSG RMP Amendment Areas) 

  1. IM-2016-139 (RMP Effectiveness Monitoring for Renewable Resources) 

  1. IM-2016-145 (Track and Reporting Surface Disturbance and Reclamation) 

  1. IM-2018-022 (Process for Assessing, Coordinating, and Implementing GRSG Adaptive Management Triggers) 

  1. IM-2018-025 (Implementation of Habitat Objectives Table from 2015 GRSG RMPAs) 

  1. IM-2018-026 (Implementation of GRSG RMPA – Oil and Gas Leasing and Development Sequential Prioritization)  

  1. IM-2022-056 (GUSG and GRSG Habitat Assessment Policy) 

  1. PIM-2025-004 (Setting Priorities for Review and Processing of Grazing Authorizations and Related Livestock Grazing Monitoring, and Incorporating Thresholds and Responses into Grazing Permits/Leases) 

The following IMs will not require updates or revisions if the BLM issues new RMPA decisions amending existing GRSG management decisions. Should any of these IMs be updated in the future, any such updates should be consistent with approved GRSG RMP decisions in place at that time. 

  1. IM-2016-038 (GRSG habitat conservation funding policy, allocation, directives and guidance) 

  1. IM-2016-90 (GRSG Program of Work for Vegetation and Habitat Projects) 

  1. IM-2016-139 (RMP Effectiveness Monitoring for Renewable Resources) 

  1. IM-2016-145 (Track and Reporting Surface Disturbance and Reclamation) 

  1. FA-IM-2018-023 (Large Fire Assessments for fires in SB rangelands and GRSG habitats) 

  1. IM-2022-056 (GUSG and GRSG Habitat Assessment Policy) 

  1. PIM-2025-004 (Setting Priorities for Review and Processing of Grazing Authorizations and Related Livestock Grazing Monitoring, and Incorporating Thresholds and Responses into Grazing Permits/Leases) 

If the BLM issues new RMPA decisions amending existing GRSG management decisions, the BLM expects implementation of those decisions will require review and possibly revision of the following IMs to ensure consistency with the RMPA decisions.  

  1. IM-2016-040 (Travel and Transportation Management Project Plans to Implement GRSG RMPA decisions). 

  1. IM-2016-105 (Land Use Planning and NEPA Compliance in GRSG RMP Amendment Areas) 

  1. IM-2018-022 (Process for Assessing, Coordinating, and Implementing GRSG Adaptive Management Triggers) 

  1. IM-2018-025 (Implementation of Habitat Objectives Table from 2015 GRSG RMPAs) 

  1. IM-2018-026 (Implementation of GRSG RMPA – Oil and Gas Leasing and Development Sequential Prioritization) 

If the BLM issues RMPA decisions that amend approved GRSG management decisions and require updates to policy guidance, the BLM will draft new IMs or other guidance to provide clarity and consistency with the BLM’s approved RMPs.  

This IB was developed in coordination with HQ-600. If you have questions about the information described in this Information Bulletin, please contact Patricia (Pat) Deibert, Sage Grouse Conservation Coordinator, at  

Signed By:
Sharif Branham
Assistant Director
Resources and Planning
Authenticated By:
Dan Gittelman
Division of Regulatory Affairs and Directives (HQ630)

Fiscal Year