Classroom Investigation: America’s Scenic and Historic Trails on Public Lands: The Intersection of Cultures, Heritage, and Outdoor Recreation Teaching Guide for Middle School

IB 2018-069
Information Bulletin


August 13, 2018

In Reply Refer To:
1115 (420) P

Information Bulletin No. 2018-069

To:                        All Field Office Officials
                             Attn:  Education and Interpretation Staff

From:                   Assistant Director, National Conservation Lands and Community Partnerships

Subject:               Classroom Investigation: America’s Scenic and Historic Trails on Public Lands: The Intersection of Cultures, Heritage, and Outdoor Recreation Teaching Guide for Middle School:  Notice of Availability

The Classroom Investigation: America’s Scenic and Historic Trails on Public Lands: The Intersection of Cultures, Heritage, and Outdoor Recreation teaching guide for middle school is now available.  National trails “provide for the ever-increasing outdoor recreation needs” of Americans, as stated in the National Trails System Act (Act).  As the Bureau of Land Management marks the 50th Anniversary of the Act, it is important to share the rich natural and cultural heritage of the trails on our public lands.  

The teaching guide helps educators interpret the great westward migration of the U.S. population and how it affected both emigrants and American Indians.  The three activities in the guide encourage students to closely examine the Act, which created the National Trails System.  Students analyze other primary source documents, including excerpts of pioneer diaries. The students also learn to find trails and make use of public lands for many recreational purposes, such as hunting and fishing.  The guide shares information regarding the importance of the National Trail System and is downloadable from An electronic version is also attached.

A printed edition of the teaching guide will be available in August.  We encourage you to coordinate with your office Forms Manager to order printed copies (up to 100 per order) free of charge from the BLM Printed Materials Distribution Services (PMDS) at the National Operations Center, at The PMDS item number is EE2042E.  

Teaching guides issued by the BLM serve the American family and engage communities in shared conservation stewardship by supporting outreach to schools and educators.  Guides may be distributed to BLM staff who work with schools within the jurisdiction of their state or field office or made available at other appropriate education venues.  

For further information, please contact Scott Richardson, BLM Education Specialist in the Division of Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships, at or (202) 912-7078. 


Signed by:                                                            Authenticated by:
Christopher J. McAlear                                       Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director                                               Division of IT Policy and Planning,WO-870
National Conservation Lands and
    Community Partnerships


1 Attachment
     1- Classroom Investigation: America’s Scenic and Historic Trails on Public Lands: The Intersection of Cultures, Heritage, and Outdoor Recreation teaching guide (27 pp)

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