National Fossil Day, October 11, 2017 and International Archaeology Day, October 21, 2017

IB 2017-059
Information Bulletin




September 19, 2017

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Information Bulletin No. 2017-059

To:          All Bureau of Land Management Employees

From:      Assistant Director, Resources and Planning 

Subject:  National Fossil Day, October 11, 2017 and International Archaeology Day, October 21, 2017

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will celebrate the 2017 National Fossil Day during Earth Science Week, October 7-15, 2017.  Sponsored by the American Geological Institute, this year’s Earth Science Week theme is "Earth and Human Activity” to promote awareness about human interaction with natural systems and processes.  See for more information.  Then on Saturday, October 21, 2017, the BLM will celebrate International Archaeology Day.  Sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), International Archaeology Day has gone from a national day in 2011 to an international celebration in two dozen countries.  See for more information.  The BLM field offices are encouraged to actively engage the public in both events.

National Fossil Day

National Fossil Day was established by the National Park Service (NPS) in response to the Paleontological Resources Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470aaa-2), which requires federal land managing agencies to create programs that increase public awareness about the significance of paleontological resources.  National Fossil Day is an annual event that supports the BLM Education, Interpretation, and Youth Engagement National Strategy by fostering a greater appreciation of the scientific and educational value of fossils.

Any event that includes paleontological resources on or from public lands may be considered a National Fossil Day event, so please plan your events in conjunction with this celebration by posting your event to the National Fossil Day web page by going to  Also for BLM coordination purposes, please forward this information to Brent Breithaupt at

Check the National Fossil Day web page at for more information, including planned activities; the 2017 graphic and logo; ideas for events and activities; the 2017 art and photography contest; and information and links to partner web pages.  In addition, the BLM Printed Materials Distribution Section (PMDS) has the following paleontological education materials available in support of your activities:

  • PS-003, black and white 17" x 22" coloring poster from the 150th Anniversary of the Department of the Interior: Dinosaurs, America's Public Land Legacy for Children of All Ages (formerly P-393).
  • P-406, Fossils on America's Public Lands: A brochure on fossil collecting on public lands.
  • P-437, A New Paleontology Law: A brochure on the PRPA (Paleontological Resources Preservation under the Omnibus Public Land Management Section of 2009).
  • EE 2038A, “Junior Explorer: Geology and Fossils” Activity Book.
  • EE3002, “Discovering Dinosaurs” videotape.

International Archaeology Day

The Archaeological Institute of America was founded in 1879 and is a nonprofit organization devoted to promoting public interest in past cultures and civilizations, archaeological research, and preservation of archaeological heritage.  As a collaborating organization, the BLM holds events and promotes International Archaeology Day.  To actively participate, offices might distribute their archaeology week/month posters, plan archaeology lessons or other heritage resource items available from PMDS.  The AIA also has buttons, magnets, and stickers available that your partners can purchase for distribution.

How BLM Field Offices May Participate:  As part of National Fossil Day and International Archaeology Day, field offices are encouraged to participate by:

  • Coordinating interpretive events that highlight paleontological and archaeological resources.  These events may occur any time during the year.
  • Inviting BLM-permitted researchers working in field offices to speak about their activities.
  • Coordinating or giving presentations at local schools, museums, or civic events about paleontological or archaeological resources.
  • Organizing an archaeology and paleontology fair, where the public may bring their items for identification.
  • Conducting or coordinating field trips to nearby interpreted BLM paleontological localities or archaeological sites.
  • Coordinating National Fossil Day and International Archaeology Day activities with partner museums that hold fossil specimens or artifacts from BLM-administered public lands, such as laboratory or collections open houses.
  • Developing or helping to develop temporary or permanent displays on BLM paleontological or archaeological resources.
  • Registering programs on the National Fossil Day and International Archaeology Day websites.

Please keep updated about both events nationwide at the National Fossil Day and International Archaeology Day web pages.  If you have any questions about National Fossil Day, please contact Brent Breithaupt, Regional Paleontologist, BLM Wyoming State Office (WY-930), at (307) 775-6052, or  If you have any questions about International Archaeology Day, please contact Ranel Capron, Federal Preservation Officer, Washington Office, Division of Cultural, Paleontological Resources and Tribal Consultation (WO-240), at (202) 912-7241, or

Signed by:                                                         Authenticated by:

Kristin M. Bail                                                  Catherine Emmett

Assistant Director                                            WO-870, IT Policy and Planning                                    

Resources and Planning                                              


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