A new on-line training course, Economic Evaluation of Coal Properties, BLM-TC-3400-06 is now available on DOI Learn

IB 2017-019
Information Bulletin

WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240-0036

December 15, 2016


In Reply Refer To:

3073 (320) P


Information Bulletin No. 2017-019

To:                   All Field Office Officials

From:               Assistant Director, Energy, Minerals and Realty Management

Subject:            A new on-line training course, Economic Evaluation of Coal Properties, BLM-TC-3400-06 is now available on DOI Learn

This Information Bulletin (IB) announces the release of a new BLM on-line training course titled Economic Evaluation of Coal Properties.  This course is available on DOI Learn at BLM-TC-3400-06.

In 2013 Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit titled “COAL LEASING, BLM Could Enhance Appraisal Process, More Explicitly Consider Coal Exports, and Provide More Public Information” (GAO-14-140) provided several recommendations for improvement to the processes and procedures that the BLM had been using for coal evaluations.  In response to the GAO recommendations, the BLM updated guidance applicable to coal evaluations and in 2014 issued BLM Handbook H-3073-1, “Coal Evaluation” (10/2/2014) and its accompanying manual MS-3073 (10/2/2014).

This course provides an overview of the updated evaluation principles and practices used for coal evaluation and determination of the estimated pre-sale fair market value for a prospective federal coal lease.  The course is based upon the BLM Handbook H-3073-1 and manual MS-3073 which are key supplementary documents for the on-line course.

The course includes materials, example problems, a case study, and exam related to:

  • The key evaluation concepts;
  • The personnel requirements for formation of an evaluation team;
  • The data requirements for an evaluation;
  • The hierarchical analysis method for determining a pre-sale estimate of the value of a prospective coal lease which applies the most reliable valuation approach based on the available data;
  • The preparation of a pre-sale valuation report documenting the estimated fair market value evaluation;
  • The review and approval of the pre-sale estimated fair market value;
  • The post lease sale process; and
  • The considerations concerning proprietary and confidential information and data.

Completion of the course can satisfy the continuing education requirement for Mineral Mine Inspectors. 

Nothing in this course is intended to be a regulation or to modify or amend any Federal laws or regulations or create any rights or cause of action or trust obligation enforceable by any person or party through litigation or otherwise against the United States Government or any of its employees.  This Handbook is solely intended to aid in the coal valuation and management program of the BLM.  To the extent that there is any inconsistency between the provisions of this course and any Federal regulations or laws, the regulations or laws will supersede this course.

Contact:  If you have any questions concerning the content of this Instruction Memorandum, please contact Mitchell Leverette, Division Chief Solid Minerals (WO-320) at 202-912-7113 or mleveret@blm.gov; or Bill Radden-Lesage at 202-912-7116, or brlesage@blm.gov.


Signed by:                                                                    Authenticated by:

Michael D. Nedd                                                          Robert M. Williams

Assistant Director                                                         Division of IT Policy and Planning,WO-870

Energy, Minerals, and Realty Management

Fiscal Year