Representation Rights for Employees in Bargaining Units

CA IB-2017-007
Information Bulletin

January 27, 2017

In Reply Refer to:
1400-711 (CA945) P

Information Bulletin No. CA-2017-007

To:             All Employees Represented by the National Federation of Federal Employees, (NFFE),Local 2152

From:         Deputy State Director, Support Services
Subject:      Representation Rights for Employees in Bargaining Units

The purpose of this Information Bulletin (IB) is to provide bargaining unit employees notice of their representational rights.

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) gives employees in units represented by an exclusive labor organization the right to request union representation at an examination by a representative of the agency in connection with an investigation if the employee believes the examination may result in disciplinary action. 

Section 7114(a) of the CSRA states that: 

(2) An exclusive representative of an appropriate unit in an agency shall be given the opportunity to
      be represented at... 

       (B) Any examination of any employee in the unit by a representative of the agency in
             connection with an investigation if... 

              (i)        the employee reasonably believes that the examination may result in disciplinary action against
                          the employee; and

             (ii)        the employee requests representation. 

Section 7114(a)(3) of the CSRA further requires that each agency inform its employees annually of these rights.  Therefore, as required by Section 7114(a)(3), you are hereby given notice of the right set forth in 5 USC 7114(a)(2)(B).

For questions regarding your representational rights, please contact your Union Representative or Anna Dykstra, Workforce Relations Supervisor at (916) 978-4496.

NOTE TO SUPERVISORS:   Please ensure that all employees without email access receive a paper copy of this distribution.

Signed by:                            
Federica Lee                            
Deputy State Director                        

Authenticated by:
LaTwan Chisolm
Administrative Support Assistant    


California State Office

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