The Bureau of Land Managements (BLM) 2015 Excellence in Interpretation or Education Awards: Announcement of Winners

IB 2016-008
Information Bulletin

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, D.C. 20240-0036http://www.blm.govOctober 28, 2015In Reply Refer To:1115, 8362 (420) PEMS TRANSMISSION 10/28/2016Information Bulletin No. 2016-008To: All Washington Office and Field Office OfficialsFrom: Assistant Director, National Conservation Lands and Community PartnershipsSubject: The Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) 2015 "Excellence in Interpretation or Education" Awards: Announcement of WinnersWe are pleased to announce the selection of two winners in the BLM's 2015 “Excellence in Interpretation or Education" Awards competition. They are:INTERPRETATION AWARD winner: Ron Napoles, Park Ranger, Bishop Field Office, CaliforniaRon is being recognized for the development and design of a set of interpretive panels in collaboration with the 4th-th-grade classes at Round Valley Elementary School in Bishop. The panels are now being used on a nature trail at the Horton Creek campground, which is managed by the Bishop Field Office.In the fall and winter of 2014-2015, the Bishop Field Office joined multiple partners to provide a series of classroom lessons to the 4th-7th grade classes at Round Valley Elementary School. These classroom workshops taught students about local wildlife and plants, the Paiute people, and the geology and ecology of the Eastern Sierra. Students also did their own research on the Sierra Nevada. As part of their lessons, they wrote text, drew and colored pictures, and created maps and images about what they learned. Ron took the text and illustrations made by the students and made a set of beautiful and creative interpretive signs for the nature trail. By engaging local school kids in creating the panel content, the Bishop Field Office in general, and Ron in particular, helped to realize the primary goal of BLM's Recreation Strategy: to connect with communities.EDUCATION AWARD winner: Madeline (Nikki) Grant-Hoffman, Ecologist, McInnis Canyons National Conservation Area, ColoradoNikki is being recognized for her work with school-age children in the local communities of Grand Junction, Fruita, and Delta, Colorado. Working with the Colorado Canyons Association (CCA), the Friends group for the three BLM National Conservation Areas (NCAs) in western Colorado, Nikki has guided the development of several high-quality education programs, offering youth the opportunity to learn about public lands and natural resources in an outdoor classroom environment. In the past year, the BLM and CCA have formalized curricula to meet Colorado state education standards and allow teachers, volunteers, and partners to deliver these programs into the future. Under Nikki's leadership, the NCAs and CCA were able to secure grants and volunteer instructors to plan, organize, and implement nine unique youth education programs focusing on the paleontology, archaeology, geology, riparian systems, ranching history, and desert ecosystems of the NCAs. The programs reached over 1,700 students.Our award winners are invited to attend the BLM “Excellence in Interpretation" awards ceremony on November 12, 2015, to be held in conjunction with the National Association for Interpretation's (NAI) 2015 National Workshop. This year's workshop will be held November 10-14, 2015, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Winners of the Hiram M. Chittenden Award (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers), Sense of Wonder Award (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service), Gifford Pinchot Excellence in Interpretation and Conservation Education Award (U.S. Forest Service), and Freeman Tilden Award (National Park Service) will also be acknowledged during this ceremony.Congratulations to our award winners and thanks to all who participated in this year's awards competition. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Brianna Candelaria, BLM's National Lead for Interpretation, at (202) 912-7583 or BCandela@blm.govSigned by: Sally R. Butts, Acting, Assistant Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community PartnershipsAuthenticated by: Robert M. Williams Division of IRM Governance, WO-560


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