Nominations for the National Conservation Lands Management Advisory Team

IB 2015-027
Information Bulletin


February 6, 2015

In Reply Refer To:
6100 (400) P


Information Bulletin No. 2015-027

To:                   All State Directors

From:               Deputy Director, Operations

Subject:         Nominations for the National Conservation Lands Management Advisory Team                  DD: February 20, 2015


The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Directorate of National Conservation Lands and Community Partnerships invites nominations for five field representatives to the National Conservation Lands Management Advisory Team (MAT).  Nominations are requested for the following positions: one State Director; one District Manager; two Field Managers; and one Monument Manager.  Nominees will serve for two years with the option of a second term. The MAT convenes approximately four times a year for the purpose of facilitating collaboration and better integration of the National Conservation Lands’ policies and management decisions within the BLM. The MAT was established in 2010, and is a subcommittee of the Executive Leadership Team.

Background: The BLM’s National Conservation Lands are a collection of public lands designated by Congress or the President for their nationally significant cultural, ecological, and scientific values. These include 20 National Monuments, 21 National Conservation Areas and similar designations, 221 Wilderness Areas, 545 Wilderness study Areas, 69 National Wild and Scenic Rivers, 11 National Historic Trails, 5 National Scenic Trails, and the California Desert. The BLM conserves, protects, and restores these nationally significant landscapes consistent with the values for which they were designated and the multiple-use and sustained yield framework established by the Federal Land Policy Management Act of 1976, as amended.

The management of individual units of the BLM’s National Conservation Lands takes place at the local level and is under the jurisdiction of the individual State Directors. The Office of the National Conservation Lands and Community Partnerships was established in Washington D.C. in June of 2000 to provide overall coordination, policy and guidance for the offices in the field.

We wish to thank the following for their time and insights as two-term members of the MAT team: State Director, Jesse Juen; District Manager, William Childress; and Field Manager members Richard Vander Voet and Katie Stevens. Continuing term members are Associate State Director Marci Todd, District Manager Mary D’Aversa, and Unit Manager Eric Morgan. 

Due Date:  BLM State Offices are requested to submit nominations for the MAT positions by February 20, 2015 to Robin Hawks, Acting Deputy Assistant Director, via e-mail at We plan to announce the list of new members by February 27th in time for the next meeting of the MAT. 

Costs:  Meetings are typically conducted via conference phone for MAT members outside the Washington, D.C. area. Any salary and travel costs for in-person meetings will be borne by the home offices of the participating members.

For further information, please contact Robin Hawks, Acting Deputy Assistant Director, Office of the National Conservation Lands and Community Partnerships, WO-400, at 202-219-3180; or Christopher McAlear, Acting Assistant Director, WO-400, at 202-208-4731.


Signed by:


Steven A. Ellis

Deputy Director, Operations

Authenticated by:


Catherine Emmett

Division of IRM Governance, WO-860

Fiscal Year