Availability of New BLM Take It Outside! Family Activity Flipbooks

IB 2013-053
Information Bulletin

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, D.C. 20240http://www.blm.govMarch 20, 2013In Reply Refer To:1115 (420) PEMS TRANSMISSION 03/27/2013Information Bulletin No. 2013-053To:     AFOsAttn:    Take It Outside! CoordinatorsYouth LeadsEducation CoordinatorsRecreation LeadsInterpretation LeadsNLCS LeadsVolunteer Coordinators  From:               Assistant Director, National Landscape Conservation System & Community PartnershipsSubject:           Availability of New BLM “Take It Outside!” Family Activity FlipbooksThe Division of Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships is pleased to announce the availability of BLM Take It Outside!  “flipbooks,” designed to guide children and families in exploring and enjoying their public lands.  The colorful, 3½” x 5” booklets are spiral-bound and laminated, designed to be carried in backpacks and pockets.  (Please see attached sample page images.)The booklet highlights BLM sites across the nation, and suggests fun activities ranging from wildlife viewing and fossil exploration to land and water adventures.  Take It Outside! flipbooks are appropriate for distribution at visitor centers and other venues where youth and families are present.  The booklets are available free of charge to field offices from BLM’s Printed Materials Distribution Services (PMDS).  If you wish to obtain copies, please ask your office Forms Manager to place an order for you using PMDS item number EE7-024.  Please note that the maximum order size is 50 copies.Should you require a larger supply or have questions, please contact Patti Klein, BLM National Lead for Take It Outside! at pklein@blm.gov or (801) 539-4235.  More information on the BLM Take It Outside! Program is available online at www.blm.gov.Signed by:                                                       Authenticated by:Elena Fink                                                       Robert M. WilliamsActing, Assistant Director, National                 Division of IRM Governance,WO-560  Conservation Landscape System and CommunityPartnerships 1 Attachment            1— Take It Outside! flipbook sample images (1 p)


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