Recruitment Event for Internship and Entry-Level Positions for Rangeland Management Specialists (0454), Range Technicians (0455), Natural Resource Specialists (0401), and Wildlife Biologists (0486) Using the Pathways Programs

IB 2013-024
Information Bulletin


December 20, 2012


In Reply Refer To:
4000, 1400-361 (220) P



Information Bulletin No. 2013-024


To:                   All Field Office Officials

                        Attention:  DSDs for Resources

From:               Division Chief, Forest, Rangeland, Riparian and Plant Conservation

Subject:           Recruitment Event for Internship and Entry-Level Positions for Rangeland Management Specialists (0454), Range Technicians (0455), Natural Resource Specialists (0401), and Wildlife Biologists (0486) Using the Pathways Programs

This Information Bulletin serves to inform State/District/Field Offices of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) intent to coordinate the use of Pathways Programs for the  recruitment of the following agency occupational series: Rangeland Management Specialists (0454), Natural Resource Specialists (0401), Range Technicians (0455) and Wildlife Biologists (0486).  This recruitment effort will occur sequentially via USAJOBS, and then at the 66th Society for Range Management (SRM) Annual Meeting and Tradeshow in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  The SRM Job Fair is on Sunday, February 3, 2013, and opportunities for on-site and phone interviews will occur from February 4 through 6, 2013.  An interview room for the BLM has been set aside for this purpose.  If you wish to participate in this recruitment effort, refer to the attachment for details on the recruitment event and how to participate.  All participation responses are due to Mr. Marc Pointel no later than Friday, January 11, 2013.

The SRM meetings have consistently provided successful opportunities for students and young professionals during the recruitment event.  This year Human Resources Specialists will be available in Oklahoma City to oversee the interview effort and to initiate the hiring process.  All applicants must submit applications in advance of the meeting using under the Pathways Programs.  No applications will be accepted on-site.  Certificates of eligible candidates will be generated prior to the SRM event.  Hiring officials are expected to be in Oklahoma City to conduct prior scheduled candidate on-site or phone interviews. 
For further information please contact Bob Bolton at 202-912-7204 for general information, and Marc Pointel at 775-482-7850 for detailed information.



Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:

Craig Goodwin                                                           Robert M. Williams

Acting, Division Chief                                                Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Forest, Rangeland, Riparian, and Plant




1 Attachment

      1 - SRM 2013 Job Fair Recruitment Event Information (2 pp)


Fiscal Year