Installation and "Train the Trainer" Training for National Invasive Species Information Management System

IB 2011-050
Information Bulletin

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWashington, DC 20240http://www.blm.govMay 6, 2011In Reply Refer To:9015 (220) P         EMS TRANSMISSION 05/09/2011Information Bulletin No. 2011-050To:                   State DirectorsAttn:  State Weed Leads and State GIS ManagersFrom:               Division Chief, Rangeland ResourcesSubject:           Installation and "Train the Trainer" Training for the National Invasive Species Information Management System                                         DD:  May 16, 2011The National Invasive Species Information Management System (NISIMS), Washington Office (WO) Program Lead and National Operations Center Program Manager invites one, technically skilled geospatial professional from each of the BLM western states to attend training session to deploy the interim solution for the Fiscal Year (FY) 11 field season.  The WO will defray training costs by a budget transfer to each state of $2,000.  Each state will need to travel within their travel ceiling.  Please RSVP Cindy Lou McDonald by May 16, 2011, with the contact information of the person attending from your state.The training will be June 1, 2011, at 8:30 am and continue until June 3, 2011, at noon, PST, at the BLM Oregon State Office, Robert Duncan Plaza, 333 SW First Avenue in Portland, Oregon.  The office has a light-rail stop  at Oak and SW First Avenue (see www. on the red line from the Portland (PDX) airport.  No hotel room block is reserved, so call now to make a reservation at the hotel of your choice from the list in the attachment.Upon completion of the training, all participants should have the materials and knowledge to install, configure, and use the state EGIS system with their mobile GIS equipment for their state.  With that equipment, they can collect standard infestation and treatment data in the NISIMS standard format.  All states will be given the curriculum necessary to train local staff on the use of NISIMS.In those states with technical EGIS challenges, without ArcGIS 10, or without skilled experience in mobile GIS enterprise data collection, it is anticipated further assistance will be required during their implementation period.  States should coordinate with Cindy Lou McDonald (503-808 6571) at least three weeks in advance of their anticipated implementation to confirm their needs and processes.  Additional custom products and technical support will be needed to ease each state through their implementation.  These products and support will be provided by staff designated by the Washington Office, the National Operations Center and the States.It is expected that, once implemented, states can expect a cost-saving in the time required to create field office and state infestation and treatment datasets to standards, to create products using that data, and to create required reports based on that data.  Participation and implementation of NISIMS is an investment in further implementation of the BLM EGIS system of 2003 and the Geospatial Services Strategic Plan (GSSP) of 2008 because it contains tools to implement data flow from field data collection to the national database.Skills and experience in implementing NISIMS will be recycled by BLM staff in field and state offices as the WO and the National Operations Center continue to collaborate to develop simple, national tools to collect and maintain spatial data for assets and natural resources on public lands.Please see the attachment for a syllabus and further information.  Phone or email Cindy Lou McDonald 503-808-6571, interim Project Coordinator, Roy King, NISIMS Project Manager, or Gina Ramos WO 200 Program Lead Senior Weeds Specialist 202-912-7226, if you have any questions.  We look forward to seeing you in Portland June 1 to 3.Signed by:                                                                   Authenticated by:Richard Mayberry                                                       Robert M. WilliamsActing, Division Chief                                                Division of IRM Governance,WO-560Rangeland Resources1 Attachment1 - Training Specifics:  Installation, Maintenance, and Use of NISIMS in the Twelve BLM States (3 pp)


National Office

Fiscal Year