Transmittal of National Environmental Education Foundation Publication: National Public Lands Day -- Bureau of Land Management 2010 Report

IB 2011-034
Information Bulletin

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, DC 20240http://www.blm.govMarch 11, 2011In Reply Refer To: 1114 (172) PEMS TRANSMISSION 03/15/2011Information Bulletin No. 2011-034To: ADs and AFOsFrom: Director, National Landscape Conservation System & Community PartnershipsSubject: Transmittal of National Environmental Education Foundation Publication: National Public Lands Day --Bureau of Land Management 2010 ReportAttached for your information is the subject report, which was prepared by the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), the overall coordinating organization for National Public Lands Day (NPLD). The report describes the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) accomplishments for NPLD 2010 and provides perspective on those achievements in the context of 2010 NPLD national and program-wide results.Each year, the Division of Education, Interpretation & Partnerships solicits, records, and coordinates support for NPLD site locations; however, NEEF now tracks individual NPLD projects, since many sites host several concurrent volunteer activities with diverse project goals. As you will learn from the report, among participating Federal agencies the BLM was second only to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in terms of number of projects hosted in 2010 (230 vs. 266), engaging the services of an estimated 13,000 volunteers. The list of BLM projects is so long, in fact, that it comprises the entire latter half of the report.National Public Lands Day continues to be one of the BLM's most cost-effective initiatives in terms of profit on investment, consistently showing a return of 5:1 when one considers the dollar value of improvements to public lands. And with respect to intangible benefits, we believe that no other program demonstrates the power of partnerships and community involvement more compellingly. In addition to Federal agencies and the non-profit NEEF, NPLD partners include State and local governments, the Public Lands Foundation, other national non-profit organizations, local friends groups, and commercial entities such as national sponsor Toyota Motor Sales, USA. It is heartening to note that once having joined the effort, the vast majority of these partners step up to assist year after year.As stated by NEEF on page 10 of the report, "This is the third consecutive year of growth for the Bureau of Land Management, with participation increasing by over 54% since 2007. With reliable site growth and communications support, the Bureau of Land Management has consistently demonstrated why it is one of the principal partners of NPLD.We thank you and your staffs for your contributions to BLM's NPLD accomplishments and reputation, and look forward to maintaining our agency's status as a leader in this initiative. We are happy to report that all BLM State Offices have indicated that they will coordinate projects for this year's NPLD, which take place on September 24, 2011. Over the coming weeks, NEEF staff will post NPLD site and project descriptions at in order to recruit volunteers for projects coordinated by the BLM and other land managers.Should you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact Bibi Booth, Deputy Chief, Division of Education, Interpretation & Partnerships, at or (202) 912-7451.Signed by:  Carl Rountree.  Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community PartnershipsAuthenticated by: Robert M. Williams Division of IRM Governance,WO-5601 Attachment1 --National Public Lands Day --Bureau of Land Management 2010 Report (25 pp)


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