Revision of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Manual Series

IB 2010-097
Information Bulletin

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, D.C. 20240http://www.blm.govAugust 5, 2010In Reply Refer To: 6400 (171) PEMS TRANSMISSION 08/11/2010Information Bulletin No. 2010-097To: Assistant Directors, State Directors, and Center DirectorsFrom: Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community PartnershipsSubject: Revision of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers Manual SeriesThis Information Bulletin (IB) announces the revision of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Wild and Scenic Rivers (WSR) Manual and summarizes the team responsible for completing this revision. This effort will revise Manual Section 8351, WSR -- Policy and Program Direction for Identification, Evaluation and Management. When completed, the revised WSR Manual Series will address the inventory, planning and management for study and designated WSR. The project will be completed by January 2012.National WSR are designated by Congress and are a component of the National Landscape Conservation System. The BLM has management responsibilities on 69 designated rivers totaling over 2,400 miles. In addition, the BLM is responsible for the inventory and management of many others rivers determined to have WSR values as defined by Congress.The WSR Manuals team will complete a comprehensive revision of BLM policy for the Bureau's National WSR program. Project team membership will include core members, satellite members and management advisors. These team members will serve primarily as reviewers and discussion groups to resolve issues or identify gaps, but will not serve as authors. A range of programs will be represented on the WSR Manual team.Core Team Members: provide foundational program expertise throughout project. Recreation and visitor services (Judi Zuckert), riparian (Gordon Toevs), wildlife (Geoff Walsh), threatened and endangered species (Nikki Moore), and fisheries (Tom Mendenhall) will be represented on the Core Team along with other WSR subject matter experts (Zach Jarrett, Roy Smith, Bunny Sterin and Monica Zimmerman).Satellite Team Members: provide subject matter expertise on an as needed basis. Satellite Teams may include resource program specialists, such as planning, national trails, range, invasive species, cultural, visuals and State Office WSR Program Leads.Management Advisors: provide guidance to the team and facilitate collaboration and integration between these developing policies and management of the larger BLM. The NLCS Division Chief and NLCS Management Advisory Team will serve in this role.The WSR Team will seek the involvement of other WSR administering agencies; (Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service) throughout the development of Bureau policy by utilizing the existing Interagency WSR Coordinating Council. Any questions regarding this IB may be directed to Dick Fichtler, National Wild and Scenic Rivers Manual Series Project Manager at at 406-329-3884; or Joe Ashor, National Wild and Scenic Rivers Program Lead, at at 202-912-7179.Signed by: Carl Rountree, Director, National Landscape Conservation System and Community PartnershipsAuthenticated by: Robert M. Williams Division of IRM Governance, WO-560


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