Announcement and Agenda for the Land Use Planning Conference

IB 2009-030
Information Bulletin


December 9, 2008

In Reply Refer To:
1610 (WO-210) P
Information Bulletin No. 2009-030

State and Center Directors
Attention: Planning and Environmental Coordinators

Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Announcement and Agenda for the Land Use Planning Conference
DD: 1/02/2009

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Washington Office Renewable Resources and Planning Directorate is pleased to announce the BLM’s Land Use Planning Conference 2009 – Keeping Pace with Change. The BLM Oregon State Office is host to the national conference, scheduled for the week of March 2-6, 2009, in Portland, Oregon. The five day conference will provide a myriad of opportunities for participants including: plenary sessions to address program direction and overarching strategies, two full days of extensive training workshops, panel presentations from experts within and outside of the organization, and roundtable discussions for responding to our most pertinent questions and needs.

The Division of Decision Support, Planning and NEPA is coordinating the agenda with support from a Conference Agenda Planning Committee (the Committee). The Committee has received numerous abstracts and input for proposed conference sessions since late July. The proposed agenda sessions are a result of the call for abstracts (IB-2008-093); an internal needs assessment conducted for the Resource Management Planning Program; BLM management perspectives and input; as well as collective discussions by the Committee. The proposed agenda was also reviewed by an oversight committee which included representation from each State and Center.

The proposed agenda sessions are organized into the six Conference Themes. Each Theme’s sessions support the overarching objectives of the conference.
Focusing on Sustainable Resource Planning and Decision-Making
Incorporating Decision Support Tools
Addressing Long-Term Strategy
Collaborating with Cooperators and Forming Partnerships
Improving NEPA in Changing Environments
Closing the Gaps - Training Opportunities on How to Get There from Here
I encourage the participation of your staff in this collaborative event and training opportunity. In addition, the conference coordinators are still in the process of selecting and finalizing speakers for some of the sessions, and Track Leads are in the process of contacting appropriate BLM staff to give presentations at this important event. We would appreciate your full support at helping to make those personnel available to attend and present as subject matter experts in their fields if contacted by the Track Leads. The last Resource Management Planning conference of this kind was held in 2004, and we have much to share about program successes, challenges, and changes since that time.
This event is sure to be a successful opportunity for personnel from our agency to learn, discuss, and interact with others in the fields of planning, social science, geospatial technology, and resource management.

Attachment 1 provides a list of proposed sessions by Theme. The conference will offer over 35 sessions throughout the week. Additional information can be found at the conference website at The website will be updated regularly as logistics including hotel and conference accommodations are finalized.

If you have feedback or questions on the proposed agenda for the BLM Land Use Planning Conference, please contact either of the Conference Co-Chairs: Jenna Sloan at or 202-557-3589; or Frank Quamen at or 202-557-3588. Feedback must be received no later than January 2, 2009 to allow ample time for incorporation into the final conference agenda.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Edwin L. Roberson Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Renewable Resources and Planning

1 Attachment
1 –BLM’s Land Use Planning Conference Proposed Sessions (12 pp)


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