Weed/Invasive Species Prevention Materials

IB 2009-018
Information Bulletin


October 31, 2008

In Reply Refer To:
9015 (220) P

Information Bulletin No. 2009-018

To: State and Center Directors
Attention: State Weed Coordinators

From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: Weed/Invasive Species Prevention Materials
This Information Bulletin provides information on ordering and using newly available invasive species prevention materials available through the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Printed Materials Distribution Services (PMDS) at the National Operations Center. Prevention is the first line of defense in stopping invasive plants, animals, aquatic nuisance species and other invasive species from being introduced, established and/or expanded on public lands and waters. Implementing prevention practices, including invasive species and weed outreach to our partners, is a BLM management priority. Prevention measures are identified in the Partners Against Weeds Strategy Plan, The National Invasive Species Management Plan, and the BLM Vegetation Treatments on Bureau of Land Management Lands in 17 Western States Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement and Environmental Report.

The BLM is collaborating with the Fish and Wildlife Service “Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers” and the Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious Weeds to produce outreach and education materials for BLM’s internal and external partners. Each State Weed Coordinator is being sent a sample package of the prevention materials. When additional materials are needed, State and Field Offices can order them directly from PMDS by filling out Form 1556-1 with the distribution numbers listed below.

Available materials include:
EE7020B – ‘Stop the Invasion” Bumper Sticker (4 x 15") – Public use-Use of Bumper stickers is often discouraged on paint or bumpers of BLM or General Services Administration vehicles. Check with local Fleet Managers before placing bumper stickers on BLM fleet vehicles.
EE7020M – “Stop the Invasion” Sticker (8"- Magnetic) – For use by the BLM, BLM partners, and BLM contractors. A magnetic sticker/sign can be placed on BLM weed coordinator and other vehicles except Fire.
EE7020S - Stop the Invasion Decal (Sticker) (5") – This is similar to the magnetic version, but smaller. Use by BLM, BLM partners, Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) contractors.

S-204 - Invasive Weed Sign (11 x 14, Plastic)-This sign can be placed on a BLM kiosk and/or mounted on a post to mark BLM roads, recreation sites, and boat ramps.

The prevention materials will also be listed on the BLM following websites:
The materials are free to the BLM and its partners, though a small shipping fee may be required. For questions related to weeds and invasive species, contact Gina Ramos, Senior Weeds at Specialist, (202) 452-5084. For questions related to PMDS information contact Bob Stahl at (303) 236-1975.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Edwin L. Roberson Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO560
Renewable Resources and Planning


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