Hurricane Disaster Response: Request Detail for Volunteers for Hurricane Ike

IB 2008-118
Information Bulletin

September 30. 2008

In Reply Refer To:
9100 (854) P

Information Bulletin No. 2008-118

To: Assistant Directors, State Directors, and Center Directors

From: Assistant Director, Business and Fiscal Resources

Subject: Hurricane Disaster Response: Request Detail for Volunteers for Hurricane Ike

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has requested assistance from the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) under the National Response Framework-Emergency Support Function
No. 3 for Hurricane Ike. The BOR serves as the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) managing bureau for fulfilling responsibilities under the National Response Framework.

The USACE is recruiting personnel available for deployment to disaster sites for a 30-day assignment to Texas, Louisiana, or Iowa. These individuals will serve as Government representatives for Roofing Quality Assurance (QA) (Attachment 1), Debris Removal QA (Attachment 2), and ArcGIS software operators (Attachment 3). Responsibilities for each need are explained in the attachments. Familiarization with QA/Quality Control procedures for construction/demolition contractors and contract documentation is most beneficial.

Employees interested and available to serve on this disaster deployment must obtain their respective first-line supervisor and State Director’s approval. This assignment is considered Mission Critical for the Financial and Business Management System transition for payments and processing.
As with other emergency/incident responses, the participants' home offices are responsible for paying salary/"base 8’s." Upon acceptance for deployment, participants will receive fund code information for reimbursable costs, such as travel, lodging, per diem, personal protection equipment, and overtime. These charges must be carefully tracked and documented. The National Operations Center will also provide a "temporary or pre-deployment" project number to be used with your base Subactivity coding; the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) associated with this support request is LXSITIKE0000. All volunteers will be issued a deployment packet by BOR upon arrival to their designated Mobilization Center in Texas, Louisiana, or Iowa, which will contain the financial codes provided by Federal Emergency Management Agency for this incident. Once you have received your deployment packet, you will then use the WBS provided in the packet for ALL related costs.

An important responsibility of responders is to represent the Federal Government in a highly professional and ethical manner at all times. Therefore, all responders must be cleared through their respective Human Capital Management office for issues of conduct and performance and through their respective Procurement Analysts for charge card usage and self-supporting ability throughout the assignment.

Approved names should be forwarded on the attached Excel spreadsheet, Attachment 4, along with a completed Rules of Behavior, Attachment 5, to the Branch of Engineering and Asset Management Policy (WO-854) via e-mail to These names will be forwarded to BOR’s Emergency Operations Center in the BOR’s Office of Security, Safety and Law Enforcement, which will process all respondents, provide further instructions, and coordinate all deployments of DOI personnel to the disaster area. Employees will be deployed for this activity only through the established chain of command and its established processes.
If you are contacted directly by another agency based on your past emergency assistance activities, you must contact your bureau representative and follow the appropriate internal procedures before your services can be committed. Up-to-date tetanus and
Hepatitis A vaccinations are required for deployment, as well as the Personal Protective Equipment listed on Attachment 6. You must fill out the medical questionnaire, Attachment 7, and fax to the number on the fax form provided.

The Bureau of Land Management is committed to support the National Response Framework and the functions of assisting in Nationally Declared Disasters to the extent possible while maintaining its core mission capabilities and care of the Public Lands.

Employees may contact one of the following offices and contacts for additional information:

WO-120 - Rodney Walker, Protection and Response Specialist
(202) 452-5118
WO-854 - Victor Montoya, Construction Program Lead
(202) 452-5064
WO-740 - CDR Edward Perez USPHS, Occupational Health Manager
(202) 254-3322
OC-510 - Timothy Shannon, (Hurricane Katrina Team Lead experience)
(303) 236-2716,

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Michael A. Ferguson Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Business and Fiscal Resources

7 Attachments
1 – Proposed Statement of Work – Temporary Roofing QA Inspector (2 pp)
2 – Proposed Statement of Work - Debris Removal QA Inspector (2 pp)
3 – Proposed Statement of Work - GIS Specialist (1 p)
4 – Excel Spreadsheet for Approved Names (1 p)
5 – Rules of Behavior (2 pp)
6 – Personal Protective Equipment (1 p)
7 – Fax for Civil Emergency Medical Screening Packet (16 pp)


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