2009 American Hiking Society Volunteer Vacations Catalog Deadline; DD: 9/30/08

IB 2008-114
Information Bulletin

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENTWASHINGTON, D.C. 20240September 10, 2008In Reply Refer To:1115 (172) PEMS TRANSMISSION 09/17/2008Information Bulletin No. 2008-114To: All State DirectorsAttn: Volunteer Coordinators, Recreation PlannersFrom: Chief, Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships DivisionSubject: 2009 American Hiking Society Volunteer Vacations - Catalog DeadlineDD: 9/30/08The American Hiking Society's (AHS) Volunteer Vacation program recruits volunteers to build, maintain, and restore foot trails on public lands. Each year the Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and protecting foot trails and the hiking experience, publishes a catalog of volunteer opportunities. The deadline for the 2009 catalog is September 30, 2008. Last year, the catalog featured some 75 trail stewardship projects in 25 states that were sponsored by State and Federal agencies, including the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and BLM. AHS Volunteer Vacationers assisted BLM along the Delta National Wild and Scenic River (AK), in Paria Canyon (AZ), in the King Range National Conservation Area (CA), and in the San Juan Islands (WA) - to name just a few.Volunteer Vacation projects are usually one week long, but may range from 4 to 10 days. Trips are rated from easy to very strenuous to help volunteers choose the right one for their level. In addition to a crew leader provided by AHS, crews consist of 6-15 volunteers who can range from college students to trail experts with 30 years of experience.For a typical project, the BLM provides:Planning and environmental analysis under the National Environmental Policy ActA well-defined project lasting about a week (as well as a back-up project in case weather, fire, or other uncontrollable circumstances make the primary project impracticable), as well as project supplies and toolsTechnical expertise on the project and one primary, easily accessible point of contact for the crewFood (AHS can help with the cost) and group cooking suppliesSafety equipment, including two-way radios and first aid suppliesA volunteer agreement - either an individual agreement for each participant to sign or a group agreement for AHS or the crew leader to signThe American Hiking Society provides:Volunteer recruitment and registrationCommunication with the host agency and the crew before the project startsA crew leader who serves as liaison between host agency and the crew, assists with logistics, and ensures that the crew carries out its responsibilitiesMeal planningThe volunteer provides:Camping gearTransportation to a pre-arranged pick-up point, which is usually the nearest major airportVolunteer Vacations provide an opportunity for BLM offices to get assistance with on-the-ground trail work that needs to be done. It is also an opportunity to introduce citizens to some of the many and varied hiking opportunities on BLM-managed lands. BLM Field Offices that are interested in requesting crews for 2009 must submit their requests to AHS by September 30, 2008. For more information and to request a crew, please see the Volunteer Vacation website at: http://www.americanhiking.org/VolVacHostCrew.aspx or contact Andrea Ketchmark, AHS Volunteer Programs Manager, at 301-565-6704, ext. 206.Signed by: Authenticated by:Mary Tisdale Robert M. WilliamsDivision Chief Division of IRM Governance,WO-560Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships


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