Bureau Form 1370-036, Recreation Fee Permit Envelope - Use of Form 1370-036 with Edition Date of July 2004 and Availability of Revised Form with Edition Date of August 2008

IB 2008-105
Information Bulletin



September 2, 2008


In Reply Refer To:

2930 (250) P         



Information Bulletin No. 2008-105


To:              All Field Officials

From:         Chief, Division of Recreation and Visitor Services

Subject:      Bureau Form 1370-036, Recreation Fee Permit Envelope - Use of Form 1370-036 with Edition Date of July 2004 and Availability of Revised Form with Edition Date of August 2008

Program Area:  Recreation – Recreation Use Permits

Purpose:  The purpose of this Information Bulletin (IB) is to provide instructions on the continued use of BLM Form 1370-036, Recreation Fee Permit Envelope with an edition date of July 2004.  It also addresses availability of the updated form with an edition date of August 2008.

Policy/Action:  All Bureau of Land Management (BLM) offices using Form 1370-036, Recreation Fee Permit Envelope, with an edition date of July 2004, are required to cross out text in the follow areas:

  1. On the front of each envelope, cross out all three lines of text in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Approval Block shown below:


OMB NO. 1004-0133

Expires:  June 30, 2007

  1. On the back of each envelope—cross out all text appearing below:


(These statements do not need to be included on non-OMB Approved forms.

The above-mentioned changes apply to both existing stock (in BLM offices) and any future orders received from the Printed Materials Distribution Services (PMDS). 

The August 2008 edition will reflect the changes mentioned above. 

Also, Item 11 on the envelope, which now states "Item 11.  Golden Age or Access Passport Number..." will be revised to “Item 11. Golden Age Passport, Access Passport, Interagency Senior Pass, or Interagency Access Pass Number …” This will reflect the acceptance of the Interagency Passes created under the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act.

The August 2008 edition will be available within two months.  All offices should use up their existing supply of forms dated July 2004 before using the revised forms with an edition date of August 2008.  Offices should place orders on Form 1556-1, “Printed Materials Distribution Services Publications Requisition Form.”  This form may be faxed to the PMDS at 303-236-0845 or emailed to the PMDS Public Group email address at:  BLM_NOC_PMDS.  For questions about publication ordering procedures, please contact the forms/publications ordering personnel or see the PMDS web site at: http://nbcweb.blm.gov/pmds/.  This form will not be available from Forms Central.

Timeframe:  This IB is effective immediately.

Budget Impact:  The overall impact to budget development workload is minimal.

Background:  Form 1370-036, Recreation Fee Permit Envelope, will no longer require OMB approval.  The BLM currently has 240,000 envelopes in stock showing the June 30, 2007 expiration date.  This inventory is worth approximately $9,700.  Rather than reprint the form without the OMB Approval Block and related verbiage, the decision was made to use up the existing supply before reprinting.  The marking out of the OMB Approval Block and related verbiage on these existing envelopes will avoid public confusion about the expiration date.  When reprinted, Form 1370-036 will no longer carry the OMB approval block and related verbiage.  Orders shipped from the PMDS that include the July 2004 edition of the Recreation Fee Permit Envelope will include instructions about this requirement to mark out the OMB Approval Block and related verbiage.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  2930 Manual and Handbook – Recreation Permits and Fees

Coordination:  This document was coordinated with the Division of Recreation and Visitor Services, WO-250 and the National and Denver Centers Support Program Section, OC-652.

Contact:  For further information, contact Anthony Bobo, Recreation Fee Program Manager at 202-452-0333.



Signed by:                                                         Authenticated by:

Robert T. Ratcliffe                                            Robert M. Williams

Division Chief                                                   Division of IRM Governance,WO-560

Recreation and Visitor Services


National Office

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