National Lands Training for Line Officers and Program Managers Course, 2000-23; DD: 09/05/2008

IB 2008-101
Information Bulletin

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORBUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240ttp://www.blm.govSeptember 2, 2008In Reply Refer To: 2000 (350) PEMS TRANSMISSION 09/03/2008 Information Bulletin No. 2008-101To: AFOs, ADs 200 and 300From: Assistant Director, Minerals and Realty ManagementSubject: National Lands Training for Line Officers and Program ManagersCourse, 2000-23 DD: 09/05/2008Program Area: Lands and RealtyPurpose: To provide information pertaining to registering for National Lands Trainingfor Line Officers and Program Managers Course, 2000-23. The joint Bureau of Land Management (BLM)/Forest Service (FS) National Lands Training for Line Officers and Program Managerscourse will be held October 20 - 24, 2008, at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Primary objectives of this national course are to provide line officers and lands program managers with concepts and principles unique to land and realty management responsibilities and to enhance competency in application of lands policies and procedures. This course is co-sponsored by the BLM and the FS to strengthen the lands and realty missions of both agencies. The Eastern Lands and Resources Council and the Western States Land Commissioners Association are also invited to participate in this course.Nominees will be notified of their selection by late September along with information regarding meals, lodging, and transportation. Total class size is limited to approximately 100 FS and BLM staff including 5 state participants. Participants will be divided into smaller groups for one-on-one instruction. This course is offered once per year in the fall and the Fiscal_Year 2010 course will be scheduled for October 19th 23, 2009.Timeframe: All individuals interested in attending this course may register on DOILEARN before September 5, 2008.Budget Impact: There is no tuition charge for this course for BLM staff. Costs include Federal per diem (currently $78 + 44, NTE $122), salary, and travel (Dulles International Airport, IAD or other appropriate airport).Background: This course is presented in two units using discussion and case study methods. The first unit provides an overview of history, evolution of public land laws and policies, legal issues and how current Congressional and Bureau decisions affect lands and realty administration. The second unit presents various technical tools and processes to help participating managers support and evaluate staff specialist performance in solving lands and realty-related issues on their units. This course is targeted to BLM State and field level managers with realty program responsibilities.Technical staff specialists responsible for execution of lands and related activities at the District level may be better served by courses offered through the BLM National Training Center, Lands and Realty Program.Coordination: This Information Bulletin was prepared by the Division of Lands, Realty, and Cadastral Survey with input from the National Training Center.Contacts: The BLM contact at the NCTC for course signup is Tracy Kremer at (602) 906-5625 or If you have questions pertaining to the technical aspects of the course, please contact Jeff Holdren at (202)-452-7779 or by: Authenticated by:Bob Anderson Robert M. WilliamsActing, Assistant Director Division of IRM Governance,WO-560Minerals and Realty Management


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