Project Budburst

IB 2008-049
Information Bulletin

March 3, 2008

In Reply Refer To:
1115 (650) P

Information Bulletin No. 2008-049

To: All Field Officials
Attn: State Environmental Education Coordinators, State Botany Program

From: Division Chief, Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships

Subject: Project Budburst

In 2007, Project Budburst ( ) was initiated by the Chicago Botanic Garden and the Bureau of Land Management along with many other partners including universities, botanic gardens and the Plant Conservation Alliance.

Project Budburst offers the Bureau a unique opportunity to participate with our partners and volunteers in collecting important climate change data. This project is providing valuable information to the National Phenology Network by collecting data on the timing of leafing out and flowering in specific trees and wildflowers across the United States. Through collection and recording of the timing of leafing out and flowering of native species each year, we will be able to learn how climate change is affecting the prevailing climatic characteristics in different parts of the country over time. Additionally, we will be able to compare collected data with historical records to illustrate the effects of climate change.

The Bureau’s participation in Project Budburst provides us with an opportunity to address both climate change and the growing interest in encouraging children to spend time outdoors. Last year over half of the post cards returned to Project Budburst were submitted by children. Hosting Project Budburst activities with local youth groups and school children on public land can provide an outdoor, hands-on, scientific activity, and at the end of the year, they will be able to see how their data made an important contribution to our understanding of climate change.

All the necessary resources needed to carry out Project Budburst activities are available from the Budburst web site ( ). Project Budburst post cards can be downloaded from the web site for you to print locally or the data can be entered on-line through the internet. If you have any questions, you may contact Peggy Olwell at 202-452-7764 or

Working with our partners, we will assist in the collection of needed climate change information, and most importantly, we have the opportunity to inspire and help develop the next generation of natural resource professionals.

Signed by: Authenticated by:
Mary Tisdale Robert M. Williams
Division Chief Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Education, Interpretation and Partnerships

2 Attachments
1 - State Environmental Education Coordinators (3 pp)
2 - State Botany Lead (3 pp)


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