Nominations for Rangeland Management Specialist (RMS) Recognition Awards DD: 12/14/200

IB 2008-010
Information Bulletin

United States Department of the Interior
Washington, D.C. 20240

October 30, 2007
In Reply Refer To:
4000 (220) P
Information Bulletin No. 2008-010
To: All Field Office Officials

From: Chief, Division of Rangeland Resources

Subject: Nominations for Rangeland Management Specialist (RMS) Recognition Awards DD: 12/14/2007

Program Area: Rangeland Management (1020[rgb1] )

Purpose: To inform Field, District, and State Offices of the opportunity to nominate one deserving Rangeland Management Specialist (RMS) from your state for recognition of service in 2007. Each award recipient will receive up to $600 from the Division of Rangeland Resources (WO 220) Washington Office for travel and registration to support attendance at the 61st Annual Meeting and Trade Show for the Society for Range Management (SRM), Louisville, Kentucky January 26-31, 2008. The individuals will be recognized at the annual meeting during the BLM reception Sunday, January 27, 2008 from 7pm-10pm. This annual meeting is being held in conjunction with the American Forage and Grasslands Council and will offer expanded opportunities for education, professional development and networking. For more information about the meeting, please visit the SRM website at:

Policy/Action: The WO 220 continues with its annual program to offer professional development opportunities and recognition of service to a deserving RMS from each State. Each State may only nominate one individual whose name is provided to WO 220 as deserving of recognition for 2007. The WO 220 is hopeful that up to 10 individuals will be nominated to attend the upcoming SRM annual international meeting. Criteria for recognition of service may include work accomplishments, work ethic, communication skills, and/or professionalism on the job. Award recipients may be entry-level employees deserving of an outstanding professional development opportunity. Individual States can determine the basis for their selection. A charge code will be provided to each nominated RMS.
State Range Leads are asked to 1) ensure that each nominated specialist is deserving, and 2) provide the name, title, office, and contact information for each nominated specialist to the BLM-SRM Liaison, by December 14, 2007. A signed letter from the individual’s supervisor, addressing the basis for nomination, should accompany your submission.

Background: In past years, nominations have been sought for exemplary specialists and only one individual was selected. Last year the BLM sought nominations from each state for employees who either had provided exemplary service or were promising individuals deserving of an outstanding professional development opportunity. The nominations resulted in increased BLM attendance at the SRM meeting this recognition was appreciated by the recipients.

Nominated individuals do not need to be SRM members to qualify for the recognition award. Each nominated RMS must have supervisor approval to attend the meeting and must have available funding to cover the balance of their travel expenses.

Contact: Please direct any questions or nomination information to Linda Coates-Markle, BLM Liaison to the Society for Range Management, Division of Rangeland Resources (WO 220) at 303-986-3309 or

Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Robert D. Roudabush
Robert M. Williams
Division Chief
Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Rangeland Resources


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