Acquisition and Assistance Management Reviews (AAMR) Fiscal_Year (FY) 2008

IB 2008-006
Information Bulletin


October 11, 2007

In Reply Refer To:
1244/1520 (WO-850) P

Information Bulletin No. 2008-006

To: State Directors
Attn: Deputy State Directors for Support Services, State Procurement Analysts

From: Chief, Division of Property, Acquisition and Headquarters Services

Subject: Acquisition and Assistance Management Reviews (AAMR) – Fiscal_Year (FY) 2008

The Washington Office (WO) is assembling teams for our FY 2008 AAMRs that will be conducted between December 2007 and April 2008. We are seeking volunteers from your organizations with expertise in Acquisition Procedures, Assistance Agreements, and Government Purchase Card/Purchase Business Line to participate in these reviews.

All reviews will be conducted over three to five business days and participation from acquisition personnel at the National Business Center and the State Offices is requested.

The ultimate goal of the AAMR process is to provide better service to our customers throughout the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The benefits to your organization include learning about best practices used in other locations, identifying potential problem areas that may occur in your State, and providing an opportunity for participants to earn Continuous Learning Points as required by the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) program.

Please note that due to BLM budget restrictions, the WO is unable to pay to State/Center employees to travel in support of the AAMRs. Similar to participation in the General Management Reviews (GMEs), States/Offices will be required to fund the travel for participating individuals from their organization. Attached is the list of AAMRs for FY 2008 with the planned dates and areas of functional expertise needed.

With your concurrence, please have your State/Center Procurement Analyst forward the names of interested individuals to Nancy Adrain, Bureau Procurement Chief, no later than November 16, 2007.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Ruth Welch at 202-452-7773 or Nancy Adrain at 202-452-5175.

Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Ruth Welch
Robert M. Williams
Division Chief
Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Property, Acquisition and Headquarter Services

1 Attachment
1 - Acquisition and Assistance Management Review Schedule – FY 2008 (1p)

Acquisition and Assistance Management Review Schedule – Fiscal_Year 2008

Utah State Office - Week of December 10th, 2007

Acquisition Procedures - Participant selected
Assistance Agreements - Participant selected
Purchase Business Line - Volunteer needed

Washington Office - February 2008 (dates to be determined)

Acquisition Procedures - Volunteer needed
Assistance Agreements - Volunteer needed
Purchase Business Line - Volunteer needed

Eastern States Office - February 2008 (dates to be determined)

Acquisition Procedures - Volunteer needed
Assistance Agreements - Volunteer needed
Purchase Business Line - Volunteer needed

Wyoming State Office - February 2008 (dates to be determined)

Acquisition Procedures - Volunteer needed
Assistance Agreements - Volunteer needed
Purchase Business Line - Volunteer needed

National Business Center - April 2008 (dates to be determined)

Acquisition Procedures - Volunteer needed
Assistance Agreements - Volunteer needed
Purchase Business Line - Volunteer needed

Colorado State Office - April 2008 (dates to be determined)

Acquisition Procedures - Volunteer needed
Assistance Agreements - Volunteer needed
Purchase Business Line - Volunteer needed


National Office

Fiscal Year