Community Involvement Plan Template

IB 2007-120
Information Bulletin


September 25, 2007

In Reply Refer To:
1760 (360) P

Information Bulletin No. 2007-120

To: All Field Officials

From: Assistant Director, Minerals, Realty, and Resource Protection

Subject: Community Involvement Plan Template

Program Area: Hazard Management and Resource Restoration

In accordance with Handbook 1703-1, the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Response Action Handbook, a Community Involvement Plan (CIP) is required for conducting community relations during response actions. This information bulletin provides a template to all the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) field offices for developing a CIP. The CIP was previously called the Community Relations Plan. It specifies the outreach activities that the BLM shall use to address community concerns and expectations when conducting a clean-up under the CERCLA.

For remedial actions, the National Contingency Plan (NCP) [40 CFR §300.430(c) (2) (ii) (A-C)] requires that a CIP be in place before clean-up activities start. “The lead agency shall provide for the conduct of the following community relations activities, to the extent practical, prior to commencing field work for the remedial investigation: (ii) preparing a formal community relations plan (CRP), based on the community interviews and other relevant information, specifying the community relations activities that the lead agency expects to undertake during the remedial response.” The NCP [40 CFR §300.435 (c)(1)] further requires that “prior to the initiation of [remedial design], the lead agency shall review the CRP to determine whether it should be revised to describe further public involvement activities during Remedial Design/Remedial Action (RD/RA) that are not already addressed or provided for in the CRP.”

For removal actions lasting 120 days or more, the NCP [40 CFR §300.415(n)(3)(ii)] requires that “the lead agency shall by the end of the 120-day period: (ii) prepare a formal community relations plan (CRP) based on the community interviews and other relevant information…” For removal actions with a planning period of at least six months, the

NCP [40 CFR §300.415(n) (4) (i)] requires the CIP to be completed “prior to the completion of the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis.”

The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 states that all government plans should cover a 5-year period and be revised every 3 years. This applies as long as the site is active. Prior to revising a CIP, the BLM offices should determine whether additional community interviews are necessary. The revised CIP can confirm the existing plan or revise it, if necessary, to include new community involvement activities.

Community relations policy can be found in the 1703-1 Handbook: CERCLA Response Action Handbook.

Questions regarding this IB should be directed to Georgette A. Fogle at (202) 557-3569 or Miyoshi Stith at (202) 557-3578.

Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Michael D. Nedd
Robert M. Williams
Assistant Director
Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Minerals, Realty and Resource Protection

1 Attachment
1 – Community Involvement Plan (12 pp)


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