Brian Hopkins Recognized as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 2007 Legends Honoree

IB 2007-097
Information Bulletin


July 26, 2007

In Reply Refer To:
8300 (250) P
Ref. IB No. 2007-069

Information Bulletin No. 2007-097

To: All BLM Employees

From: Chief, Division of Recreation and Visitor Services

Subject: Brian Hopkins Recognized as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 2007 Legends Honoree

Program Area(s): Recreation, Travel, Tourism and Visitor Services

Purpose: This directive announces the 2007 Legends Award Honoree, who received his award from the American Recreation Coalition (ARC) on June 12, 2007, as part of the Great Outdoors Week celebration in Washington, DC. The Legends Award, presented annually since 1991, recognizes an outstanding Bureau of Land Management (BLM) employee for increasing recreation opportunities and participation.

The 2007 BLM Legends Award Honoree is Brian Hopkins, a Community Planner in the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Glenwood Springs Field Office. Brian’s recreation planning expertise, coupled with collaborative partnership-building skills enabled him to work closely with local communities, private sector service providers, and local governments. He has been an effective catalyst for expanding the BLM’s recreation program to address the recreation needs and desires of non-traditional visitors. These visitors include new residents to the rural West (e.g. new and transferred employees, vacation home owners, and retirees), resort and other destination visitors, and people wanting to reconnect with the undeveloped settings that characterize the Public Lands.

Policy/Action: The BLM announces the 2007 Legends Award recipient.

Timeframe: Effective immediately.

Budget Impact: Minimal.

Background: Legends Award Honoree Brian Hopkins has been a key contributor to the BLM’s land use planning efforts including serving on the steering committee that revised the BLM’s recreation planning manual/handbook. Brian is a respected instructor for the National Training Center’s 8300-11 recreation planning course, who continues to help his students resolve their planning issues and concerns once they return to their home office. His current assignment as a Community Planner is helping pave the way for greater community-based collaboration with affected recreation and tourism businesses and local governments.

Among Brian’s other contributions are:

· Leading efforts to expand the BLM’s recreation program direction beyond project management to target specific kinds of activities, experiences, and benefits for identified markets, which are resulting in more responsive management.

· Helping redirect the actions of all recreation providers to provide a diverse array of experience and benefit opportunities for distinctly different market niches within identified recreation and tourism markets.

· Working with local developers, planning commissions, and elected officials in planning and laying out new residential developments to minimize impacts to the Public Lands, ensure responsive and responsible land use practices, and facilitate public use and enjoyment of Public Lands recreation attractions that minimize administrative burdens to the BLM and maximize benefits for communities, their visiting guests, and growing resident populations.

· Providing leadership in expanding the BLM’s Recreation and Visitor Services program focus on Benefits-Based Management.

· Working closely with community-based citizen groups who have become increasingly reliant on the Public Lands as outlets for meeting their needs for benefits related both to residents’ quality of life and community stability.

Attachment 1 is a photograph showing Brian receiving the 2007 BLM Legends Award.

Directives Affected: WO IB No. 2007-069.

Coordination: A BLM interdisciplinary team reviewed all of the BLM’s nominations and provided recommendations to the Chief, Division of Recreation and Visitor Services, acting for the Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning. Brian Hopkins received his 2007 Legends award at a special ARC sponsored luncheon event on the rooftop of the Main Interior Building on Tuesday, June 12, 2007.

Contact: Hal Hallett, Senior Outdoor Recreation Specialist, Division of Recreation and Visitor Services (WO-250), at (202) 452-7794.

Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Andy Tenney
Robert M. Williams
Acting, Division Chief
Division of IRM Governance,WO-560
Division of Recreation and Visitor Services

1 Attachment
1 – Brian Hopkins 2007 Legends Award Photo (1 p)


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