Forestry Workshop -- Reno, NV, March 5-9, 2007; DD: 01/12/2007

IB 2007-031
Information Bulletin


December 20, 2006

In Reply Refer To:
5200 (270) P

Information Bulletin No. 2007-031

To: All Field Officials

From: Assistant Director, Renewable Resources and Planning

Subject: Forestry Workshop -- Reno, NV, March 5-9, 2007 DD: 01/12/2007

The Division of Forests and Woodlands (WO-270) is sponsoring a workshop that will focus on providing the tools and training required for field foresters to be successful in carrying out their duties. The workshop is scheduled for the week of March 5-9, 2007 at the Atlantis Resort in Reno, Nevada. The target audience will include national, State, and field foresters throughout the BLM, with the goal of addressing new guidance, program policy and standards to ensure consistency in the management of the BLM’s forest and woodland resources. A draft agenda for the workshop is attached (Attachment 1).

Staffing within the forestry program has increased over the past few years with the addition of many new foresters. While field foresters, particularly new employees, are the primary target audience, field office managers, fuels specialists, and other resource specialists involved with the planning, development, and implementation of forest management activities are also encouraged to attend.

To help offset travel costs for this workshop, the Washington Office may provide financial support, not to exceed $500 per person, for personnel having forestry as their primary job responsibility. A charge code will be provided at the workshop for those who are approved by the Washington Office for this assistance.

Employees planning to attend this workshop should notify their State forestry program lead of their plans and a list of those within your State planning to attend should be forwarded to Tim Bottomley, Forester at the National Science and Technology Center, no later than January 12, 2007. This list should indicate which participants request assistance with travel expenses from the Washington Office. The Washington Office will notify those employees who will be provided financial assistance by the end of January.

Individuals are responsible for their own reservations and travel arrangements. Reservation and logistics information is attached (Attachment 2). A block of rooms has been reserved and participants are encouraged to register with the Atlantis Resort by January 15, 2007 or, at a minimum, prior to the room cut-off date of February 2, 2007 in order to get the group rate (see attachment 2).

Any questions concerning this workshop should be directed to Tim Bottomley at (303) 236-0681.

Signed by:
Authenticated by:
Laura Ceperley
Barbara J. Brown
Acting Assistant Director
Division of IRM Governance
Renewable Resources and Planning

2 Attachments
1 - FY 2007 Forestry Workshop Agenda (2pp)
2 - Reservations and Logistics Information (1p)


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