CY 2023 Safety Training Spreadsheet for Bureau of Land Management, California

CA IM-2023-003
Instruction Memorandum

2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-1623
Sacramento, CA 95825
United States

In Reply Refer To:

1112-1 (CA-940) P

To: California Supervisors and Managers
From: State Director
Subject:CY 2023 Safety Training Spreadsheet for Bureau of Land Management, California
Program Area:Safety and Occupational Health

This Instruction Memorandum transmits BLM California Safety Training Spreadsheet, available for use within the BLM California Safety Training Page


BLM employees are required to complete training outlined within H-1112-1 Safety and Health Management Handbook Chapter 5. Some training is mandatory, while other training is based on individual risk assessments. The Safety Training Spreadsheet is a tool developed for BLM California employees to easily find, complete, and document training.

BLM’s policy is to provide a safe and healthy working environment, to reduce or prevent employee injuries, visitor injuries, work-related illnesses, protect Bureau owned or leased property from damage, and to develop risk assessment based on job tasks.

Supervisors at all levels are responsible for ensuring the completion of employee training prior to the assignment of work.  Supervisors are responsible for accident prevention.  They are also responsible for ensuring employees under their supervision comply with health and safety rules and regulations.

Create a folder which will house:

    1.  Downloaded Safety Spreadsheet
    2.  Supervisors will establish folders for each employee within your Division, District, or
          Field Office to save completed certificates, and risk assessments.
     3.  Risk assessment for each task and position will also be saved back to the State Safety 
          SharePoint site into the individual field office folders.  Templates of risk assessments
          are available on the State Safety SharePoint.

These documents and files provide a quick reference for management during safety audits and OSHA inspections.  Each Division, District and Field Office may determine to assign a guardian to the process or leave a self-fill form under the guidance of a guardian.  All District and Collateral Duty Safety Officers should become familiar with this document and the State Safety Manager will aid in supporting this process.


This IM is effective immediately.

Budget Impact:

This policy is not expected to result in additional costs over current levels within all program areas.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:



State Safety Manager, DSD for Support Services, District Managers, Field Managers, District Safety Officer, Collateral Duty Safety Officers, and Field/District/State Safety Committees. 

For addition information and guidance on the Safety and Occupational Health Program, please review BLM H-1112-1, Safety and Health Management.  Questions regarding this Instruction Memorandum should be directed to Brian Thater, California State Safety Manager, at 916-978-4521.


California State Office

Fiscal Year