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Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Heritage Program Annual Report Data Calls and Mandatory Tribal Relations Training

CA IM-2019-001
Instruction Memorandum

October 18, 2018

In Reply Refer to:
8100 (CA930) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2019-001
Expires: 10/31/2019

To:                     All CA District and Field Managers

Attn:                  CDD Office and Field Office Archaeologists

From:                 State Director

Subject:             Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Heritage Program Annual Report Data Calls and
                           Mandatory Tribal Relations Training
                                                                    DD: 10/24/18, 11/07/18, 12/07/18, 1/25/19

Program Area: Cultural Resources, Paleontological Resources, and Tribal Consultation

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) directs Field and District Offices to submit two annual reports and complete Tribal Relations Training for all line officers and field staff.
1. As detailed in WO-IM2018-03, several statewide calls, and the 9/24/18 statewide
    webinar, the WO Annual Heritage Program Report for FY 2018 is due to CASO
2. As detailed in Protocol Stipulation 14.3, the State Historic Preservation Officer
    (SHPO) Protocol Report for FY 2018 is due to CASO on 11/7/18.
3. As detailed in WO-IM2018-094, all line officers and staff involved in tribal consultation
    must be scheduled for training on implementation of Manual 1780 and Handbook
    1780-1 on Tribal Relations by 12/07/18. Training deadline is 1/25/19.


Task 1 (WO Annual Heritage Program Report for FY 2018): Reporting period has been changed to 8/01/17 to 9/30/18. See WO-IM2018-03 for detailed descriptions on content and format on narrative. Make sure that subject matter aligns with national priorities and that photograph images are correct format.

Templates and additional information are available on the confidential archaeological
    server at T:\ANNUAL REPORT TO WO\2018\Data Call.
Table 1 Heritage Program annual Report Questionnaire. Only fill out empty cells.
Table 2 Heritage Resource Projects and Partnerships has no major changes from
    previous years.
Table 3 Historic Structures Listing has no major changes from previous years.
Table 4 Paleontology. Do Worksheet Tab only.
Table 5 Museum Collections. Do Tab C "Additions-Withdrawals" and Tab D
    "Partnerships". Table 6 NAGPRA, Do all.
BLM LOOT Form. Complete one for each ARPA Case.

Submissions should be completed electronically and posted to your respective District or Field Office folder on the T: Drive no later than 10/24/18. Notify the Deputy Preservation Officer (DPO) by e-mail when complete but do not transmit the reports as attachments via e-mail.

Task 2 (Protocol Report for FY 2018): Reporting period remains unchanged at 10/01/17 to 9/30/18. Per Stipulation 14.3 in the 2014 State Protocol, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Field Offices and CDD are each required to submit an annual protocol report summarizing program activity to the DPO at the State Office.

The California field archaeologists provide the information as concise narratives of accomplishments and an MS Excel table. To be consistent with prior year submissions, the data covers the completed fiscal year.

Templates and additional information are available on the confidential archaeological server at T:\ANNUAL REPORT TO SHPO\Annual Report to SHPO 2018.

The SHPO narrative report should start with a paragraph that summarizes Section 106 workload conducted by your office. The remainder of the narrative can be the WO narrative in Task 1.

MS Excel Spread Sheet Annual Report Tables are nearly identical to 2017. Sheet 6 is pre-populated with 2017 information. Each office must input all data on all tables and review and confirm that all existing inputs are correct on sheet 6. Each office also must fill in blank cells and add additional draft or final PAs and MOAs that were either previously omitted or are new.

Submissions should be completed electronically and posted to your respective District or Field Office folder on the T: Drive no later than 11/07/18. Notify the DPO by e-mail when complete but do not transmit the reports as attachments via e-mail.

Task 3 (Tribal Relations Line Officer and Staff Training): WO-IM2018-094 requires that all line officers and staff involved in tribal consultation obtain training on implementation of Manual 1780 and Handbook 1780-1. BLM has supplied training on the National Training Center Knowledge Resource Center that fulfills this need and requires approximately one hour to complete.

Material can be accessed at

Line Officers must review the "Presentation for Managers" and the three short videos at the link. Staff involved in tribal consultation must review the "Presentation for Resource Specialists" and the three short videos at the link. By 12/07/18 each Field Office and District Office should provide a single e-mail to the DPO regarding number of line officers and staff required to take the training and how many of each complete the training by that date. Remaining line officers and staff must complete training before 1/25/19 with one follow up email from each office to the DPO providing the additional total of line officers and staff completing the training since the first date.

Timeframe: To allow sufficient time for State Office review and consolidation to meet Washington Office and SHPO deadline, the CDD and the Field Offices should complete Task 1 by 10/24/18, Task 2 by 11/07/18, and Task 3 by 12/07/18 and 1/25/19.

Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. This work is supported by funding distributed through the cultural resources management sub-activity.

Background: The BLM compiles and reports information to comply with numerous authorities to include: Archaeological Resources Protection Act; 54 U.S.C. 300101 et seq., (formerly known as National Historic Preservation Act); Federal Land Policy and Management Act; Government Performance and Accountability Act; Paleontological Resources Preservation Act; and Executive Order 13327 on Federal Real Property Asset Management. Data are submitted for multiple reports, including the Report to Federal Archaeological Activities, Public Land Statistics, the Performance and Accountability Report, Financial Statements, and the Annual Museum Collections Summary Report.

The BLM also prepares an Annual Report to the SHPOs outlining the preservation activities conducted under the National Programmatic Agreement (nPA) and the State Protocol. The Annual Report is consistent with the BLM’s annual Washington Office reporting requirements, and includes supplemental information agreed upon by the BLM and the SHPOs.

The comprehensive Tribal Relations manual responds to suggestions provided by tribes during 2008-2012 listening sessions. It culminated in the issuance of the 1780 Handbook and Manual and the mandatory training assures a comprehensive, coordinated approach to tribal relations.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected: None.

Coordination: Within CA-930 and State Archaeology staff.

Contact: For additional information, please contact Tony Overly, DPO, Archaeologist, at (916) 978- 4684, or via E-mail at


Signed by:
Joseph Stout
Acting State Director

Authenticated by:
Larry Weitzel
GIS/Applications Mgmt Branch, CA-946


California State Office

Fiscal Year