Approval Process for Actual Lodging Expense Reimbursement

CA IM-2018-011
Instruction Memorandum


June 19, 2018

In Reply Refer To:
1382 (CA940) P

Instruction Memorandum No. CA-2018-011

To:                     All California Employees         

From:                 Deputy State Director Support Services

Subject:             Approval Process for Actual Lodging Expense Reimbursement

Program Area:  Travel

Purpose: This Instruction Memorandum (IM) provides guidance and procedures for BLM California actual lodging expense approval requirements.

Policy/Action: Travelers may claim actual lodging expense under the following situations:

  • Costs are inflated due to special circumstances (e.g., conventions, natural disasters),
  • Lodging must be obtained at a prearranged site to accomplish the official purpose of a trip (e.g., a hotel where a meeting, conference or training session is held),
  • Lodging cannot be obtained within prescribed allowances nearby and travel to an area with lower-cost lodging would be unduly burdensome,
  • During emergency travel;
  • Traveling to parts of the U.S. declared as a Federal disaster areas by the President of the United States, or
  • Official mission of the trip requires actual expenses to be incurred.

All requests shall be submitted in advance of a temporary duty assignment. Exceptions to this requirement are limited to emergencies

Approval requests will be routed and approved through the immediate supervisor prior to sending to the Deputy State Director, Support Services for final approval. The approval request template is provided as an attachment for use with the respective office letterhead.

Timeframe:  This policy is effective immediately.

Background: This policy ensures that travelers obtain the necessary approvals prior to travel and aligns with Department of Interior policy.

Budget Impact:  This policy helps to ensure immediate supervisors are aware of funding expenditures.

Manual/Handbook Sections Affected:  DOI Temporary Duty Travel Policy, March 2014

Contact: For questions regarding this IM, contact Elizabeth (Liza) Langdon, Business Services Branch Chief,, 916-978-4511.


Signed by:                                                                  
Federica Lee                                                              
Deputy State Director, Support Services                   

Authenticated by:
Larry Weitzel
GIS/Applications Mgmt Branch, CA-946

1 – Approval Request Template


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